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It was the thud and curse that followed the first curse that made me open my eyes. “Are you okay?”


Had Dante fallen off the bed?

It took my brain way too long to realize what was going on and why there was a horrible buzzing noise.

He’d set an alarm.

“You’re so smart. You set an alarm.” Last night was coming back in fuzzy bits and pieces, and I found myself blushing when he chuckled.

“You seemed to think I was an idiot with a potty mouth last night.” Dante turned off the horrible noise and leaned over in the early light to give me a quick peck. “I’m glad to see your opinion of me has improved.”

I wasn’t going to talk about last night because I was finally remembering it.

“Thank you for setting the alarm.” Sitting up as he chuckled again, I ignored his delight at my awkwardness. “I hadn’t thought about that.”

Dante was looking very pleased with himself as he flashed me a grin. “Because you were too busy telling me not to say naughty words and sucking on my dick like it was a binkie.”

Evil Dom.

Glaring at him only made his laughter worse, but at least one of us was enjoying waking up. “I don’t think we need to go over the details this morning. I was just showing my gratitude for making sure we didn’t oversleep.”

Accidents happened but I wanted my students to know they could depend on me.

Dante’s giggles toned down to just a smile and he gave me another kiss. “I appreciate it, and I’m glad you’re not frustrated with me because this might be earlier than you usually get up.”

Not as much as he thought.

“I’m slightly slow to function in the morning, so I don’t wait until the last minute to get up.” I might not usually be little in the morning but I was a professional dawdler.

“Then how about I get your coffee started as I head out?” He kissed my forehead before stepping away from the bed. “I have a few things to get organized before I have a stupidly early class.”

Ugh, I did not miss those days.

“I know they designed the schedule for the master’s programs so it’s easier for you to work as well, but that sounds miserable.” My commiserating earned me another kiss.

“It’s horrendous but this is the last week before exams. I’m living for winter break and all those glorious weeks off.” He cocked his head as he slipped on a pair of track pants. “Would I be assuming too much to start planning a few day trips like to some of my favorite museums or to the beach? It’ll be too cold to get in the water but we could walk on the sand and find someplace nice for lunch?”

He wouldn’t be assuming too much but would I be taking up too much of his time?

“Do you already have other plans?” We hadn’t talked much about families or that kind of thing. “Family stuff?”

The way his face winced said that’d hit a touchy spot.

“Remember that trip I told you my parents were taking? The one that made them forget they had a kid who was supposed to be coming home for the holidays?” When I nodded, he sighed and looked like he was trying not to get too frustrated. “Well, they’re going to go backpacking through Europe like they’re eighteen and broke. They said I could come join them but that sounds…”

His voice trailed off as he shook his head so I filled in the blank. “Terrible. That sounds terrible.”

Dante laughed, nodding and finally smiling again. “I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks that. Sharing a hostel with dozens of drunk American kids and my parents sounds like the holidays from Hell.”

I had to agree.

“That just gives us more time to do things on our own and you’ll have to come to Christmas at Malcolm’s house. It’ll be fun.” With that decided in a way that I didn’t have to feel guilty about taking up his time or worried that he’d rather be someplace else, I climbed out of bed and gave him a kiss that time.

Dante was looking very Master as he wrapped his arms around me and gave me another peck. “I think that sounds like a wonderful plan. But an even better one would be brushing my teeth and climbing back in bed with you.”

I had to agree with him there.
