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I’d expected nothing less from the healthiest and nosiest couple that I knew.

“But if you set some boundaries now, I’ll know what not to ask later.” Malcolm looked slightly curious but I could sense his Dom side rising to the surface. “I don’t want my friendship with Ruslan to fuck things up with you.”

It was sweet but unnecessary.

So as I finished up my coffee, I headed over to the sink to rinse out the mug and stuck it in the dishwasher. “I’m good. You can talk to him about whatever he wants to discuss. I’m the oversharer between us, so I can’t think of anything I’d be uncomfortable with you talking about.”

Malcolm chuckled, not surprised at all. “Yeah, I kind of thought that would be your answer, but I didn’t want to assume. I know this is new for you guys.”

“New but steady, I think, so I’m not worried about what he’ll share.” I was hoping talking it out would help Ruslan figure out how to be comfortable with dating me publicly, but I wasn’t going to hold my breath on that one.

“Alright then.” Shifting toward the door, he went back to nodding to himself like he was going over the checklist in his head of what he’d needed to touch base with me about. “And you’ll let me know if you need to talk anything out? I know you’re not used to dating someone who’s still working through stuff.”

“I’m good so far.” Leaning back against the sink, I decided to open up a bit more so he didn’t spend all day worrying. “If we’re still in the same place in a few months then I might need to talk things out, but I don’t think that’ll be the case.”

Ruslan was slightly delusional but not completely unreasonable.

“My graduating in the spring will fix a lot of his concerns.” At least, I thought it would. “And it’s not like I’m an exhibitionist. I don’t need to show him off around campus like a fun new toy I just got. As long as we can go on dates and I can tell the guys here we’re dating, I’ll be good with that. It’d be lying I’d have an issue with, but for now, they’re giving me space.”

Which I appreciated but there was only so long I could go without mentioning Ruslan before it would get weird. I didn’t need to share about our scenes, but not being able to tell them anything about him would get odd eventually.

I needed to be able to at least answerwhere are you heading out tokind of questions without feeling like I was hiding shit from them. We weren’t just roommates, we were friends, and that would throw a wrench in things fairly quickly if I wasn’t careful.

Malcolm paused, cocking his head. “I don’t think that’s unreasonable. I think he just needs a bit of processing time.”


“It’ll be fine.” We were both worrying over nothing. “We’ve only been dating about a week. I’m not going to rush him.”

Now the look on Malcolm’s face said he wasn’t going to hold himself to that standard but I knew Ruslan could take care of himself as long as he wanted to…and if it came down to it, Russie could text me to come save him from the nosy Dom that was heading out to start his own busy day. “Alright, I’ll talk to you later then.”

And he was gone, with most of his questions probably unanswered…which left me wondering if I should warn Ruslan or not.

Sometimes the hardest part about being a Dom was all the tiny decisions that needed to be made…like warning your sub or letting their friends fuck with them.

Chapter 19


I was going to owe Master something better than a blow job for warning me.





“You’re ignoring my question.” Malcolm frowned and started to give me hisnow you’re making me worryexpression.

That was all I needed.

“I was distracted by a stupid thought.” And I was not going to repeat it, so I did my best to redirect the worrywart. “Yes, I had a great weekend and I was very clear when I answered his limits list.”

Thankfully, we were currently hiding in my office, so I didn’t have to worry about anyone overhearing our interesting conversation.

Malcolm just raised one eyebrow.
