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Nope, drama Doms were the worst kind.

How had I forgotten that?


“How do you put up with all that drama?” My question had Jack trying not to laugh and I could see him sliding toward his little side.

He was a naughty little so that was not a good thing.

“Stop that.” Trying to glare at him didn’t help the situation. “We’re in public.”

I knew I shouldn’t have let him talk me into getting coffee at the shop. It was a good time of day to go, but he wasn’t subtle about anything and the staff was kind of nosy…openminded but nosy.

“I’m fine.” That made him start giggling again. “Malcolm said you couldn’t say fine.”


“I’m not talking about that.” Because I still wasn’t sure what they’d say. “He was driving me crazy.”

Jack finally stopped laughing and waggled his eyebrows like a silly villain in a bad movie. “At least he didn’t ask about what scenes you got up to.”

I was smart enough to know that was going to be Jack’s job.

“He was being polite.” My response had Jack trying not to laugh and he did a good job that time. “Fine. He just had different goals than you do.”

“Yep.” Settling into his chair at the back of the shop, he grinned wickedly. “My goals are much more fun. I know you’ll figure your shit out sooner or later. What I want to know is if it was as good as you hoped.”

“If what was as good as I’d hoped?” Had I actually told him what I was going to do? Who else had I texted that early in the morning?

Jack laughed. “I don’t know what you did, nut. You’re supposed to tell me. I just know that you couldn’t have spent all weekend little or watching movies.”

Well, we’d watched movies too.

“Your face.” Shaking his head, Jack was back to grinning. “Alright, spill it.”


“I was…I was a pain in the butt and texted him first thing Saturday morning.” I groaned as Jack laughed. “I was up before dawn filling out…well, the thing he wanted me to look at, and then I texted Dante.”

Ha, I’d used his name.

It was going to be fine.

“He came over an absurd hour and made me breakfast and was very sweet about the time.” That had Jack chuckling. “I…I actually managed to remind him about a previous conversation and laid out a…”


Dropping my voice, I leaned across the small table. “My cage.”


He started laughing again. “That’s…so great. Good job.”

I liked the praise but his giggling was going to make me want to drown him in that sugary mess he called coffee.

“Sorry.” He tried to stop snickering but it took him a while. “Sorry. I’ll be good.”

