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Oh, I remembered too.

That was what he’d meant.

I was going to have to learn to ask better questions in a more timely manner.

My shirt came off before my brain tracked what was happening, so he took that as a yes and just kept going. “Daddy is the big fishies and Russie is the little fishies.”

He thought that was hilarious and kept giggling as we got naked.

Thankfully little Ruslan didn’t seem to react to the nakedness which made it easier for me not to react either…which I really appreciated…because it wasn’t until he’d started taking off my clothes that I realized my questions about his little side on the limits list hadn’t been nearly specific enough.

“Hey, I get the big fishes.” The tub was one of the big old-fashioned kinds that hadn’t been updated into a tiny pretend tub yet, so it was big enough for us to both fit in as long as we didn’t try to spread out.

But my cute little thief kept trying to hide my fish under his knees.

“No big fishies here, Daddy.” Russie shrugged, barely managing not to giggle. “All gone.”

We were going to need more bathtub toys next time we played and I was going to have to work on being faster. My drama queen had lightning-fast reflexes when it came to hoarding toys under the bubbles.

“Hmm, I guess I’m just going to have to be sad and eat all the cookies.” My delivery was slightly over the top, but it got my point across, and suddenly toys popped up all around us.

“Magic, Daddy.”

Cookies won over toys.

I’d remember that…and I’d remember how cute he looked with bubbles in his hair and a smile on his face.

Chapter 21


“Oh, I saw that yawn.” Daddy kissed my head, smiling as I tried to roll over and hide my face against his lap. “I said two yawns and it would be bedtime. That’s three.”

Daddy was a good counter.

He was also stubborn because he kissed my head. “You’re tired. Is Russie getting tucked in or is Ruslan going to be tucked in?”

Decisions were hard.

“Neither.” Little me and big me liked that answer because every part of me liked being cuddled with Daddy.

“Then I’m voting grown-up Ruslan.” Daddy bent over me and wrapped his arms around me. “I might even be talked into kisses.”



I rolled over and looked up before I’d realized he’d tricked me. “Daddy, that’s not nice.”

My pouting just made him grin as he plucked at my lower lip with his finger. “But it worked.”

“I like being little with you…but kisses…that was sneaky.” I liked kisses.

“I like it when you’re little too, but I need to talk to you about the party tomorrow and what you meant about my roommates knowing.” He winced sympathetically when I whined but he didn’t drop the subject. “I know. I’m torturing you, but that’s why I led with kisses.”

Because Daddy knew how to bribe me.

“But it’s not fair that you know my weakness.” I wasn’t done pouting yet—especially because it hadn’t worked—but Daddy leaned over and gave me a kiss.
