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He grinned, back to looking completely at ease and almost flirty. “Yes, we seem to get the more outgoing students. I never would’ve expected that, but it’s fun to watch.”

“It’s hilarious some weeks.” My response had him trying not to laugh. “I’m going to miss it when I finally graduate.”

Ruslan’s brows pulled together and he fidgeted before taking a subtle deep breath. “Are you…are you moving away when you graduate? Your master’s is in history? I think someone mentioned that you were going to be working for the Parks Department?”

Had he asked about me?

“Yes, I’m finishing up a dual master’s program in history and tourism management. I’ve got my foot in the door to work at some of the historical sites in the area.” The ridiculous number of hours I’d done volunteering in high school had paid off, but I still needed the degrees to show that I knew what I’d already learned firsthand.

It was ridiculous, but I’d loved the time I’d spent at the different traditional museums and living history museums around the area.

“So you won’t be moving far?” Ruslan came back to that point like he was working his way through something in his head, so I didn’t mind clarifying the answer.

“No. I’m probably even going to be staying in the same rental next year to save money. I’ve got a great landlord and I’d rather save up to buy a house than rent something bigger.” Plans for that might have to be adjusted depending on what I needed to make a partner happy, but so far, that hadn’t changed even when I’d been dating other people.

“That sounds like a good plan.” Ruslan went back to fidgeting again, sliding his hands in his pocket when he started to pick at a button on his shirt. “Um, I never had that much privacy as a student, so I was glad when I bought my house.”

I wasn’t sure what he was talking around, so I did my best to guess.

“I’ve been lucky to find a great group of guys to share the house with.” To share or not to share? “We’re renting from one of the professors on campus who’s in the lifestyle, so I never had to worry about hiding who I was, even around the other tenants.”

They were all fun and kinky in different ways, so it wasn’t like a regular rental situation.

He blinked a few times and I could see more dots connecting. “You’re renting Professor Donaldson’s old house…the one he owned before he met…his partner.”

And the little that Ruslan played with on a weekly basis.

“Yes.” Trying to make sure Ruslan knew I wasn’t shocked, worried, or even confused, I smiled. “They’ve been great landlords, and it’s been good to have a knowledgeable Dom around to talk about things with.”

Because Professor Donaldson was a first-rate Daddy.

Ruslan slowly opened his mouth but before he could work up the confidence to respond, something crashed.


“Sorry.” The pitiful voice that called out had both of us wincing and I knew the moment was lost.

“It’s okay.” Ruslan couldn’t help trying to fix the stressful situation even before he’d seen what’d happened. “We’ll get it cleaned up.”

Macaroni and cheese was a pain in the ass to clean up…but losing the moment with Ruslan was even worse.

As he walked away, all I could do was hope that he liked his presents.

Chapter 3


“Okay, panic or presents first?” Sitting at the table looking between my phone and my second present from my Secret Santa, deciding wasn’t as easy as it should’ve been.

“I should probably worry first. That’s the smart thing to do.” I wasn’t sure who I was debating with, but I was losing because I slowly reached for the bag. “I can always freak out later.”

It was decided…present first, panic second.

“Oh.” An ornament. “It’s mac-n-cheese.”

I wasn’t sure what kind of Christmas tree should have a mac-n-cheese bowl hanging from it, but I knew I’d figure out the best one ever.

“What else?” This bag was even bigger than last time, and I couldn’t help but wonder if it was more socks. “Oh, that’s so cute.”
