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He was dead set on finding something to worry about, so I tried to find another good distraction as we headed inside and I set my stuff down just inside the door. “Cuddle me, Dante. I would like snugly attention, please.”

That had his eyes going wide. “Dante, huh?”

I barely took time to kick my shoes off before I dragged him back through the house. We’d never get to bed if he kept stopping every thirty seconds to ask me how I was feeling or what I was thinking. “Is this what it’s like dealing with me when I overthink a situation?”

Dante was trying to take off his shoes and ended up almost going headfirst into the wall by my bedroom door. “Yes. But worse because you can probably give a very good lecture on what I’m thinking as I worry.”

And I made him guess.

Well, I wasn’t going to apologize for that because I’d end up doing it tomorrow anyway, but I could at least look sorry, so I kissed his cheek. “I like knowing what you’re thinking. You take very good care of me.”

He rolled his eyes when he realized I wasn’t going to actually promise to change. “I’m glad you like knowing.”

He was so cute.

But it was definitely time to change the subject.

“I said Dante because I wanted cuddle time with my boyfriend and to check in with you. But yes, I almost said Daddy and then had to mentally shift from Master before I could get Dante out.” Now it was my turn to roll my eyes when he flashed me a pleased grin.

“Well, your Daddy is worried about you. Your Master is ready to spank you for making him insane. Oh, and Dante is worried that you hit your head and he didn’t realize it.” Dante was being very Dante as he drove me crazy and left me wondering if that was what he’d really been thinking all night.

And he said I was the dramatic one.

“Well, Daddy is very sweet, but he should know that I would come to him right away if I was upset.” Honestly, the weirder Dante got, the easier it was for me to be relaxed about it all. “As for Master, can I remind him that I kissed his cheek around other people and that I told a very nosy senior that I was dating you?”

I’d been wonderfully brave.

And the student in question had just demanded ten bucks from his friend because of a bet.

I still wasn’t sure how I felt about that, but it just reinforced the ridiculousness of me trying to keep my private life actually private. That just wasn’t going to happen no matter how much I wanted it to, but I was pretty sure they’d find something new to latch onto soon.

“And my boyfriend Dante needs to know that while I will never be the most open at talking about my little side with other people, I liked telling people that Dante was mine.” It still gave me butterflies and my list of worries was officially unreasonable, but I hadn’t dropped dead and people hadn’t been overly nosy.

Just slightly inquisitive, which was probably to be expected.

Dante’s lips were turning up at the edges but he was trying to look serious. “Your Daddy is worried that you’re pushing yourself because of something he said. Your Dom is worried because he thinks you’re going to panic any second, and your boyfriend thinks this is highly suspicious behavior and he’s considering checking if you’re a pod person.”

Oh, that sounded fun.

“Yes.” Nodding and trying not to smile, I looked toward the bed. “I think a full examination is in order.”

Dante pinched his lips together before a huff finally escaped. “Alright, let’s check your pod person status.”

He reached for my shirt confidently, like he already knew that was the first step, so I didn’t argue with him as he worked down the buttons. I decided I could use that time more wisely. “I can’t ask you to go to the Christmas party at work with me if I’m not out about dating you. Did you realize that?”

Dante’s barely hidden snort said he had realized that, but he wasn’t going to admit it. “Christmas parties are not something we need to worry about as far as dating goes because you’re going to be too distracted avoiding work and the spiked eggnog to remember who you’re dating.”

Someone clearly had tattled about last year’s party.

“I’ve gotten much better at that, and if you come with me, you can help me watch out for unexpectedly spiked drinks.” Eggnog was gross enough already without anyone adding alcohol to it. What had they been thinking?

As Dante pulled my shirt down my arms, I smiled at him. “And I want to have Christmas morning with you so we can open presents and then go play with Jacki and his Daddy and have lunch. I’m very selfish and want all of that, so I have to tell people about you. There’s no way around it.”

He was back to pinching his lips closed as he crouched down to take off my socks. “No way around it, huh?”

“Nope.” I shrugged as I used his shoulders to balance. “If I want you to be Daddy at Christmas, I’ve got to tell people we’re dating. Oh, and your roommates seem to be thebuy the little a toytype of friends…and I like toys.”

Dante looked down toward the floor and I could see his shoulders jerking as he hid his laughter. “Do you think your switch friend would want to buy me paint?”
