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The oversized T-shirt saidJust Give Me The Mac-n-Cheese And No One Gets Hurt. I was going to be so cute…and so funny. I could get all dressed up and have mac-n-cheese anytime I wanted.

Doing presents first was a much better idea than panicking would’ve been.

I was so smart.

And I was going to be so cute.

“Dress-up time and then dinnertime and then worry time.” Yes, that was a much better plan.

Ignoring my phone, I picked up my new shirt and ran to the playroom where my fun socks were waiting for me. “Gonna be so cute. Mac-n-Cheese Man to the rescue.”

Socks and T-shirt and my blue shorts.

Best superhero ever…so I flew back to the kitchen because superheroes always zoomed through the air.

“Gonna make mac-n-cheese nuggety things and chicken nuggets and ’cumbers. Dip. Dip. Dip.” Pulling out all my goodies from the freezer and the ’cumbers I’d cut up earlier, I put the best dippy stuff in the air fryer and laid out the ’cumbers on a plate so they were all pretty.

“Next time I gotta remember to fight for more food. Superheroes shouldn’t leave mac-n-cheese parties hungry.” Yes, I was going to remember to be big and fast and get lots of goodies next time. “Or I could ask a Daddy to do it for me?”


I had lots of minutes left on my goodies and my phone was right there…

“Ugh.” Going over to the table, I picked up my phone and pushed the buttons.




“Jacki?” He wasn’t little yet, but he liked being little so I didn’t worry. “I gots questions.”

“Were you naughty?” He giggled, not thinking that was a bad idea at all. “Daddy, Russie was naughty.”

I heard Jacki’s Daddy laugh and so I sighed. “I don’t know if I was naughty or if he was naughty or if nobody was naughty or if I just need to stop thinking ’cause it’s hard.”

Being a grown-up was lots of work and I was done with it for the day.

“What happened?” Jacki sounded like he was wiggling on his Daddy’s lap ’cause he was giggling more.

“Well, it was Mac-n-Cheese Club day and we had our party and I didn’t have to eat the wiggly one. I’m glad I didn’t have to eat that one, but I didn’t get lots of the pizza one but that’s okay because I think the guy who made the pizza one is a Daddy that might want to bemyDaddyso he’ll make me more.”

Hmm, why had I been worried enough to call Jacki?


“But he’s a student. Not my student. He’s a grown-up. He lives in your Daddy’s old house. He’s tall and likes mac-n-cheese and taking care of people and he might’ve been going to ask big me out on a date, but now I don’t know what to do. But he makes really good mac-n-cheese and he seems to know I’m big and little. What do you think?”

Wow. I’d said a lot.

“Oh, one of Daddy’s students.” More wiggly sounds and a giggle came through the phone. “Which one? Oh, let me guess. Dante. He comes over to talk to Daddy and he’s a Daddy and he likes playing too, but Daddy gets jealous when he plays with me, so mostly I color and they talk. Do you want me to come color?”

Coloring was always fun.

“I like coloring.” But it wasn’t playtime. It was talk time and then food time and then playtime. “Yes, you’re so smart. It was Dante and he’s nice and tall and he cooks good. I kind of want a Daddy who makes good mac-n-cheese, but I don’t know what to do.”

Jacki made thinking sounds as his Daddy whispered something I couldn’t hear.
