Page 131 of Mafia Grace

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“I wouldn’t let you.”

Her giggle lightened up the room.

“I love it when you’re possessive. It can be exhausting, but also makes me feel loved.”

“I’m always possessive. That’s why I hate when you run from me to other men.”

“You’re joking.” She studied my passive face. “You’re serious?”


“Guido’s not another man. He’s my brother.”

“I don’t care. I don’t like sharing with anyone. You’re mine.”

“Sasa, I am. I did something stupid, but nothing could change this.”

She threw a leg over my midsection and I enjoyed the contact with her bare skin. Every part of Grazia was soft and sensual, from the creaminess of her thighs, to the curve of her breasts, to her stunning face. I could look in her blue eyes for the rest of my days and not get bored. I had no need for food or water as long as I had her.

“Are you tired, Grazi?”

“No, why?”

“I want to take you shopping today.”

“Salvatore, I don’t need any more clothes.”

“Maybe not, but I want to see you try some new lingerie. You wouldn’t deny me that pleasure, would you?”

She laughed and bit a patch of skin on my chest.

“We can do that at home. I have a few sets you’ve never seen on me before.”

“I want to take you out. Yannis and Pietro will take care of business today.”

Her sigh felt heavy.

“Pietro hates me. We were finally making friends, and now he hates you.”

“No, he doesn’t.” My cousin and I didn’t talk much the other day, but I didn’t need to hear it from him to know where he stood. “I can’t force Pietro to be your friend, Grazia, but he’s not allowed to hate you. You’re my wife, ergo, he exists to protect you.”

She rolled her eyes at me. “I don’t need protection.”

“You might think that, but you do.” It was my turn to give her the angry eyes. “That protection might turn into a watch if you ever think about leaving anywhere without talking to me first.”

“Stop with that. Is Totto up yet? I’m hungry.”

“Totto has the week off. We can grab breakfast before I take you shopping.”

“Why are you so set on that?”

“Because I want to go back to that time on our honeymoon.” Because last night when Pietro showed me the security tapes of Grazia sneaking out of his house there was a second – just one – when I thought she was leaving me. One second when I believed she regretted taking my ring and decided to run back to her brothers. One second was all it took to leave me petrified. I needed to relive that day we spent in Paris and feel close to her again.

“That’s sweet, Sasa.A volte mi stai sciogliendo il cuore. Lo adoro.[52]”

She made herself small and glued her body to mine and I held her as tight as I could without breaking any bones. The rupture between us was healing slowly and I felt the strength she was giving me gathering back in my heart. I loved this woman. I needed this woman. And I would never let her leave me.

“Ti amo, Tesoro.”
