Page 148 of Mafia Grace

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“Salvatore, are you there?”


“She’s really shaken up.”

“Bring my wife home and bring him to me.”

“I took care of it. Her honor is intact. Yours is too.” He answered a question I didn’t dare ask because for the first time in my life I was too scared to do it. She was not touched. She was assaulted, scared, but not broken.

“I want him dead.”

“He’s high profile. There were witnesses and I’m sure the police will start looking soon. You need to clear the air. I can handle it, but the last thing Grazia needs is being dragged into this.”

“I’ll take care of it.” I said, even if my jaw was almost locked from the tension. “I’ll see you soon.”

After I hung up, my fists clenched until the phone cracked under the pressure. Something did the same thing in my chest too.

Chapter 28

The same driver that picked me up was back to take me home, but this time Totto was with him too, and the older man rushed to my side.

“Grazia, dear girl.”

“I’m fine, Totto.”

“You don’t look fine. You’re pale and your hands are cold as ice.”

“I just… I’m tired, and I want to see Salvatore.”

“He’s waiting for you. He would have come himself, but he had phone calls to make to clear things up for you in Milano. That’s why he sent me.”

He helped me get into the car and pulled out a bottle of water, but the liquid inside was a milky-white color.

“What’s that, Totto?”

“A tonic. It’s mostly vitamins, but it will help you calm down too.”

“I’d rather have a whiskey to calm myself down.”

“All in good time.”

He handed me the bottle and I took it. It tasted like lemonade.

“Salvatore. How is he, Totto?”

“Shaken to his core. You mean the world to him, Grazia, remember that.” I nodded. “He’ll be angry at first. You know theDon. His blood is boiling at a high temperature. He might yell, but don’t let that upset you. It’s just the reaction of man who just found out someone tried to take away what he loves most.”


The driver pulled up in front of the Fiori palace and Yannis went straight to the guards to talk to them. He probably had orders to put the whole city into lockdown to make sure I was fine and I loved Salvatore for that. I never liked being watched by bodyguards and my brothers were pretty permissive when it came to my security because here, in our city, no one would dare to touch a woman like Walsh did. I didn’t need the bodyguards now either, but the thought that Salvatore’s mission wanted to keep me safe was comforting.

I ignored everyone and walked inside, desperate to find my husband. I looked in every room until I finally found him in our bedroom. He was sitting on the edge of our bed looking down, hands crossed behind his head.

“Sasa.” I gasped. Finally, I could feel the tension evaporating from my muscles.

My voice made him jump straight up and he looked around the room franticly until he found me. His body language matched mine. His voice on the other hand, was pure wrath.

“You left and this is what happens!” I did what Totto said and just let him take out his frustrations on me, because if he’d been the one who’d traveled across the country and got hurt, I would feel like I’d just walked through hell too.
