Page 169 of Mafia Grace

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“What are you going to do, Fiori? Finish what Adrian never had the balls to do and shoot me?”

“A bullet is too good for you.” I pulled out one of the hunting knives and licked the blade, my eyes fixing on Ariana. “You tried to hurt Grazia. You tried to have her killed. You tried to take my heart from my chest, so now you’re going to watch how I take his.”

I took my first strike at his chest and Ariana gasped, watching the skin crack and blood splash everywhere. Fabiano started choking and I kept pushing until I saw life draining from his eyes.

“Predare Dio.[62]” I said looking him straight in the face. “Ad alta voce[63].” All I heard after that was a faint begging of a bible verse as I tore into him repeatedly.

My knife sliced through muscle and cracked bone until his chest looked like vultures scavenged on it.

And then I did the unimaginable. For my Grazi. All for my Grazi.

I pushed my hand deep into his chest and grabbed Fabiano’s heart in my fist. I felt it beating its last beat before I ripped the organ from its hide out. I squeezed it and threw it at Ariana’s feet. It was done. He was dead. Grazia’s pain was paid for.

I took the knife out of Fabiano and placed it under Ariana’s chin. She was in shock, shaking like she was hit by convulsions, but I needed her to focus on my words.

“I don’t kill women. Fabiano paid because he brought the cancer that you are close enough to hurt my Grazia, but listen to me Ariana Bernoulli, you will leave. I want you out of Italy before the sun sets tomorrow or else you’ll end up just like him. Do you understand?”



“Yes. I’ll leave… I’ll… where…”

“I don’t give a fuck where or how, but if you ever get close to my wife again, I’ll have no mercy left.”

I snatched the towel that was covering her body and wiped some of the blood on my hands and then left. I had nothing left to do here. It was time to go back to my Grazi.

Chapter 32

I slept. I slept because I was exhausted. I couldn’t remember when I got home or much of what happened, but I knew I was tired so I kept my eyes shut.

Once in a while I could hear people. I’d heard Chiara and Pietro, and more than once I thought I could hear my brothers. I was too tired to try and open my eyes to see them, so I kept sleeping.

Most of all I’d heard Salvatore. He would talk to me, say things about his day, say he loved me and hold my hand. When his voice poured into my ears, I wanted to wake up, but the sleep was too sweet and held me in a grip too tight.

“I love you, my Grazi.”

I love you too, Sasa.

“I miss you, my Grazi.”

I miss you too, Sasa, but I’m sleepy.

“God, please, give her back to me. Don’t take her. Take everything, but not her.”

I’m here, I’m not going anywhere.

Sometimes his lips would land on mine softly and that’s when I really wanted to wake up, but every time, I fell back into the darkness. I slept, and slept, and slept.

Until I wasn’t sleepy anymore.

My eyes opened and the light in the room felt like the enemy. The sun was so strong, I started tearing up. It took some adjusting before I could see my surroundings clearly.

I was home – in my bedroom, in my bed – but something was different. There were IV’s and machines around me, a tube going into my nose, and one into my vein.


A tall, blonde in a white coat came running from the bathroom and I stared at her.
