Page 83 of Mafia Grace

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“Then what bothers you? Talk to me, Pietro.”

“The price tag is bigger than anything you’ve ever bought and you can’t just pass this thing to someone else. It needs to stay in your name and if something happens…”

If I end up behind bars, that power-plant, the account tied to it, and everything else that has my name on the property title would end up being seized.

“It was pricey.” More than that. It took almost my entire clean money reserve. “It’s going to pay off. We get a money laundering monster that also makes profits. It’s fully staffed and we don’t even need to lift a finger.”

“Right. I still don’t like the idea of you having to work hand in hand with the government. It’s not who we are.”

I got up from my chair and walked to the window. The sea was restless tonight and the waves were biting into the shore ferociously. It was a mirror of the way I was feeling inside for days.

This power-plant wasn’t just smart business it was something I needed. Something big – a boom – to keep my mind busy. Something to make me feel again. Excitement, fear, anything was better than hollowness. Pietro was not wrong to think I was walking on a thin line between our world and the one existing on the good side of the law, but I was craving that thrill.

“The government already knows who we are. They fear Fiori already, and watch us like hawks, but we know who has what price tag hanging on their ankles. With this business we can pay their shares above board.”

“Bold.” He came closer and punched my shoulder. “You’re one hell of aDon.”

“Thanks for the compliment.”

“You’re welcome,princess.”

“Watch it, asshole.”

“I’m serious, Salvatore. Thefamigliais talking.”

“About what?”

“About you. Two weeks and you already made us more money than we can count.”

“I’ve made money for this family for years.”

“Veritico[39], but you’ve been the head of the organization for days. It’s a good thing that you have your lieutenant’s respect and loyalty.”

“Was that ever in question?”

“Sometimes it happens.”

He was right, sometimes it did, but I wasn’t going to let this family crumble under my reign. Anyone in the organization that didn’t have respect and loyalty for the Fiori name was taken care of. There was no shovel strong enough to dig them back out.

“Anything else I should know, Pietro?”

“Do you plan on getting back into the world any time soon? Your men are itching to drink with you.” Fuck. That was the last thing on my mind. “And you have a few business calls from some interesting people.”


“Andrea Vivere.”

I knew that name. “He’s one of Fabiano Caputo’s tools.”

“It looks like he’s looking for new employment.”

“Go meet with him.”

“You want to piss Caputo off, huh? I’m in. He’s a piece of shit.”

Yes, he was, but Pietro and I were hating his guts for different reasons. My cousin was angered on behalf of my father, but I got a first-hand hit. Fabiano Caputo had Grazia, so I intended to haveeverything else. Andrea Vivere was just the start.

“I think I have a buyer for that new shipment we bought from Cuba?”
