Page 84 of Mafia Grace

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“The guns and grenades?”

“Yes. It’s double their market price.”

“And why don’t I have that money yet?”

“The buyer. Ivanov Gorchinsky.”

“Never heard of him.”

“He’s an Al-Qaeda empowered Chechen separatist.”

“No. We don’t sell to terrorists.”

“I thought so.”

It was a standing rule in the Italian mafia. In this fucked up world there are bad people and there are shitty, miserable, power-hungry cockroaches. The latter you either can find in fancy offices occupying official positions, the other half were in the other side of the world unleashing terror and war over innocent people. I wasn’t a fan of either.

“Are you staying for dinner, Pietro?”

“I can’t. Chiara and her boy are at my house and I don’t like leaving her alone in there. She’s too nosey.”

“They’re still at your place?”


“What’s that about?”

“I don’t know, man. She doesn’t talk to me. Her husband is out of town and she said she needs some family time, but I don’t buy it.”

“Look into it. If she has problems with Bruno, bring him to me.” Chiara got married too fast and Bruno still had to win me over to his side.

Pietro left and the whole house turned silent again. Totto was somewhere in the kitchen lecturing the French chef I’d hired last year on how to boil the pasta properly, but that was on the other side of the house. Here, it was just me.

My nights have never been so quiet. I was always out to a club or in my apartment across town with Grazia. I didn’t miss the nightlife, but fuck, I was missing her. I gave my word to never chase her again and I was going to keep it, but I still craved her with every cell in my body. I was dying to feel her skin drag across mine, her lips on my neck. Damn, I’d settle to hear her voice…

“Sasa!” The front door was slammed open and Grazia’s voice traveled to every single room of the house. If she wouldn’t have called for me a couple more times, I would have believed it was just an echo in my head.

I ran to the foyer to convince myself she was there and stopped the moment my eyes found her. Yannis was there too, holding Grazia up by her elbow and she looked like she was about to collapse if it wasn’t for him.

“What the fuck happened?” I asked Yannis, but my eyes were on her.

“I found Miss Caputo running a few streets away from here. She was looking for you. I figured I should give her a ride before she gets herself into trouble.”

“Good thinking. Leave us.”


Yannis left and closed the door behind him and only when he was gone, Grazia looked at me. Her beautiful blue eyes were red-rimmed. She’d been crying.

“Why are you here?” I didn’t move. Something in me was still stunned she was here and I didn’t want to spook her.

“Salvatore, I know you don’t want to see me…”

“Why are you here? What happened to you?”

“I’m sorry,Sasa. I was in Milano. He… I’m sorry.”

“Hewhat?” I explode, my mind thinking about all the bullshit that could have brought her to me in this state. “What the fuck happened to you?”
