Page 33 of Shattered

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From my tone, she looks worried. "Why don't we go back to my office, and you can tell me somewhere private." She means somewhere there aren't cameras or microphones.


"He what?" Nisa looks shocked and disgusted, but at least she doesn't wear a face of disbelief. I'm sitting across from her on her little couch in her office. This was the hardest thing I've ever had to tell her. I mean, she hired the guy; he works for the FBI. Who would think he would try to do something like that?

"I have no idea what would've happened if I didn't know how

to protect myself. Archer came down too at the perfect time, so if I couldn't, at least I know I would've had some to rescue me."

"Daph, I am so sorry that happened. You do know that I have to let him go, right? That is not right, and I don't want him to prey on anyone else."

"I figured that's why I was reluctant to tell you. But then I thought about the other women that work in this building, and I wouldn't want anything happening to them."

"Thank you for telling me. I can't believe he tried to do that to you. What was he thinking would happen to his career. I will speak to him immediately. You can take the rest of the day off. Tomorrow, it will be going back to normal, but please get some rest after today."

"Thank you, Nisa, for believing in me." "I will always listen to you, Daphne. Please take it easy tonight."

"Will do." She gets up as I do to give me a hug, and I realize just how serious what he tried to do is. It will feel good to go home and clean a bit and actually take time for myself.

"Thank you again, Nisa, have a great night." With that, I'm walking out of the door and making my way to my apartment.

Chapter Twelve


I'm sitting at my desk looking at the background check on Eric Delmont. He checks out. What he was saying about being ex-military was right. This is our guy; it just seems hard to believe. I mean, he doesn't seem the type to be crazy. However, he might be a quiet sociopath, thinking about the world's destruction in his mind. I guess this case is closed. I already called up to Nisa, and they had the guy arrested. His trial is already set for the end of this month, but it will go fast since he confessed. Now, I wonder if he will get a life sentence or a death sentence. I think, in this case, a life one will wear on him more. Slowly breaking his silent demeanor. All I know is he will never see the outside world again. A judge won't let what happened to Rory happen to anyone else. It was brutal and merciless.

I'm just glad he's off the street. With that being said, I can go home now. Daphne left a while ago. She told Nisa what happened with Grey, and Nisa told her to go home to rest. Thankfully, if I had kept asking her, she wouldn't have gone. I haven't seen Grey yet. He was on a different assignment. Something to do with the drug cartel, I think. But he should've been back by now. Maybe Nisa already took him upstairs to fire him.

I log out of my computer and get my desk reorganized. I don't like to leave it a mess for the following day. It makes my morning go by faster if it's already clean and ready for me to do any paperwork that's needed. Tomorrow, I'll have to fill out the interrogation report and what I felt about him confessing to me. The thing is that I think he's telling the truth. He knew that Rory was dancing at the club with multiple women. We didn't previously note him, but by putting his face under the surveillance, we see him. We didn't flag him because he seems unbothered by Rory. But now, seeing him from the interrogation, I see the ticks and the jaw tightening when Rory dances with a petite brunette.

It all checks out. The warehouse that he gave another agent the address to was a bloody mess. I saw the pictures; Rory must've been bleeding out a while for that much blood. All for dancing with a girl that was fucking a sociopath. But I can admit that if I saw someone touch Daphne, I would have the same reaction. My blood was boiling when Grey had his hands on her. But my good girl can fight. I would love to spar with her sometime. I wonder if she would take it easy on me because I already know I would probably get my ass handed to me with the move she pulled on Grey.

Getting up from my desk, I head for the elevators. It dings when I get to it, and out comes a very furious Grey. I figure that Nisa had the talk with him. His eyes collide with mine, and he's reaching for me. I step back, and he fumbles.

"That bitch of yours cost me my job." He's still coming at me, so I take him down and put his hands on his back.

I lean down so only he can hear, "Never call her a bitch again. You are filth, and do you know what I do with filth. I take it out. Never go near her again; you were fired because of yourself. And if you ever swing at me again, that will be the last time you will be able to use your arm."

I let him go, and he gets up to storm off. A crowd formed around us. Agents that have a look of horror at what just happened.

"As of right now, Grey Carson is no longer an agent. Do not let him

back in the building."

I fix my suit that was wrinkled from the takedown and move back to the elevator. I press the down button, and when they open, I get in to push the ground button. Pulling out my phone, I see texts from Liam.

Liam: I need you, bro.

Liam: Call me as soon as you can. It's important.

That usually means he has a job for me, and it is a couple days sooner than our previous date. I don't want to get too deep in his side business. But Liam is like my brother, so when I get out of here, I'll call him. I want out, but how can I tell him that?

Leaving the office, I look left and right at the sidewalk, checking to see if I see crazy Grey. Nothing but busy people trying to get to their places in this world. I unlock my phone and dial Liam's number. He answers on three rings.

"Hey Arch, I need you tonight. I need you to be a silent person for me."

A silent person means standing somewhere with him and looking intimidating while he does something shady. And if they pull a gun, I pull my gun too. I never use my FBI one, though; I have one hidden in my house, under the floorboard in my bedroom.
