Page 6 of Shattered

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"So, Archer, what have you gotten yourself into now?" He takes a seat and puts the folder that he was holding on the table. The folder probably contains pictures of the guy lying on Daphne's table.

"I'm not speaking until I have a lawyer." I cross my arms and give him what I hope is a menacing look.

"You already know that looks bad, so I don't have to explain it to you. Archer, come on, this little battle aside, I know that you couldn't have done this. Have you seen the pictures of this guy yet? Whoever did it had some serious guts to do that to a person."

He already knows I haven't seen them. I've been here since I was brutally woken up by the pounding on my door. I don't answer him, and he takes my silence as an answer enough. He slides the folder to me and starts to take out each morbid picture. Man, whoever did this had a whole vendetta against him.

The first picture is of his face, beaten and bruised to a pulp. No doubt one of them is from me. His eyes are missing. I try to hold back the bile that tries to escape. The second picture is of his body. It's also beaten and bruised. His fingers are missing. This looks like torture. It seems like this guy was significant to someone. But not to me.

"You guys really think I could do this to a person? After all that I do for the city?" I feel sick to my stomach.

"No, but you're not going to talk so that just makes you look guilty." He gives me a hard stare. "Are you going to tell me what happened after this?" He pulls up a photo of me knocking the guy out.

"As you already know, Grey, I left with Daphne. I walked her home, and then I went home and went right to sleep. I had nothing to do with this."

“See, we would believe you, but there is no other evidence

on that body except for your DNA. How can you explain that?"

"Well, if there's no other evidence, then isn't that weird? I would leave my prints on only his face?"

"How do you know the prints were only on the face?"

"Because I punched the guy! Obviously, my prints are all over his face!" I started getting angry. But then realized my mistake.

"So, you admit to assaulting the guy?" He looks like he caught the biggest fish ever.

"You can see it from the video surveillance; obviously, I punched him." This guy thinks he's going to catch me slipping, so I just have to give them what they already know. I know this system. I've been doing it for seven years.

"Okay, why don't we walk through your day? Begin when you left the building yesterday morning."

"Fine. Yesterday morning, I left here around 5 a.m. I talked to my friend Liam on the phone."

"Liam Weber?"

"So, you guys already looked at my phone records, so you know what I was doing yesterday morning."

"I want to know what happened from the time you got off the phone to this morning when that guy was found."

"After getting off the phone with Liam, I went right home, took a shower, and slept for fifteen hours. I ate food and watched TV."

"Do you remember what channel and what was on?"

"Deadpool on FX." He writes in his notebook. I already know that they'll check to see if I'm right. Like I would lie when my whole life is on the line.

"Continue." He is getting on my nerves.

"After that, I went to the club with Liam. The same Liam that I was on the phone with. And I'm sure you can see what happened there. I'll fast forward to what happened after I left Daphne's."

“Daphne Vega? Didn’t think she would be interested in someone like you.” If he keeps talking about her, I will end up in

jail, except it will be for assaulting a federal agent, not for murder.

"I'm going to ignore you and continue. I left Daphne's place and walked straight home. I walked into my house and up the stairs and then passed out on my bed. Nothing more, nothing less." I start to stand up. "Now that I told you my whole day. I am going home. You can't arrest me as of yet, so have a good day." He also rises up.

"Not so fast. Badge and gun."

"I left them at home. Pick them up later." I walk out of the door, completely done with this whole conversation.
