Page 41 of Wild Love

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He chuckles. “That’s thoughtful, Gina, but he doesn’t strike me as the type of man who can sit still long enough to do a puzzle.”

I lock eyes with my brother and offer him a sly smile. “He’ll like this one. Give it to him for me, okay?”

“Give it to him yourself.” He steps to the side. “We’re just finishing dessert. It’s a chocolate cake that Arietta picked up on her way home tonight.”

Since chocolate rates high on my list of things I crave, I accept the invitation. “I can stay for a bit.”

“Stay for more than a bit.” He ushers me in with a hand motion. “You can go home with your roommate when you’re ready to leave.”

I stop mid-step just as I clear the threshold of the doorway. “What?”

“He said you can take the subway home with me.” Daniel appears behind my brother.

“I don’t like the subway,” I confess, even though Daniel is well aware of that.

My dislike for New York City’s public transportation stems from a scare I had on the A train years ago. I was fourteen and on my way to see a boy I liked who lived in Queens. A fight broke out on the train, and I watched a man crumple to his knees with a broken nose courtesy of a stranger. Since then, Bella has encouraged me to ride the subway to overcome my fear. I’ve only ever done that with her, and she always squeezes my hand as I board.

“I know.” He steps closer. “But I’ll be right beside you, Gina.”

“It’s the fastest way to get from here to your apartment,” Dominick adds to the conversation. “Daniel will protect you.”

I’d tell him that I can protect myself, but if I’m going to take the subway home tonight, I admit I’m glad Daniel will be by my side.

* * *

“You remember?”Vernon Greenwalt looks at me with a tear welling in the corner of his eye. “Gina, you remember?”

“Of course I do.” I pat his hand. “You and your late wife stayed at this chalet on your honeymoon, and she loved puzzles.”

His trembling hand slides from under mine to the puzzle box. He taps the image on the front with his index finger. “That window on the far left, on the top floor, is where our room was.”

“What?” Arietta scoots her chair closer to her grandfather’s. “I didn’t know that.”

“I told Gina when she mentioned that she was thinking of traveling to Geneva,” he explains before his gaze settles back on me. “Did you ever take that trip?”

“No.” I shake my head. “It hinged on a business deal that fell through.”

That sounds more professional than saying that the company paying for the trip to Switzerland pulled out of the sponsorship deal right before I signed because they realized an ad campaign featuring a bunch of cute puppies playing in the snow was much less expensive.

They made the right call. The videos of the puppies frolicking in fresh powder went viral, and their business blew up overnight.

‘That’s unfortunate.” He heaves a sigh. “You’re young, though. You can go when you get married. It’s the perfect honeymoon destination.”

Despite knowing it’s a horrible idea, I glance at Daniel. I’m not surprised to find him sporting a huge grin.

“We’re going to steal a week away in Italy for our honeymoon when I have a term break,” Arietta says, glancing at my brother. “Maybe we can fit in an extra day or two to visit the chalet in Switzerland?”

Dominick gathers her hands in his and kisses both. “Consider it done.”

From his place across the dining room table from them, Vern clears his throat. “You won’t regret that decision. Every couple should have a trip to remember after their wedding day.”

“I agree,” Daniel adds his voice to the conversation. “What do you think, Gina? Should every bride be whisked away to a romantic location after she’s said I do?”

I hold in a smile. “I think it depends on the bride. Some women might prefer a ride on a boat through Long Island Sound.”

All heads at the table turn in my direction.

“Does that include you?” my brother asks with a chuckle. “I can’t picture you on any boat, Gina.”
