Page 10 of Dusk Secrets

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And if I’m not mistaken, that might be lust I saw in his eyes.



I drag my ass out of bed at seven in the morning, annoyed that Patrick gets to sleep in, but satisfied when I see that Bryce and Joshua are missing. I peel off my clothes and dress in the only pair of swim trunks I brought. I grab a cigarette from the pack in the back of the pants I wore last night and light up as I exit the cabin. It only takes me a few minutes to get to the lake, and Jarred is already at the dock waiting for me.

I give him an appreciative sweep of my eyes before he can notice me checking him out.

Damn, he’s hot as fuck.

There’s some blonde hair on his chest that leads down to a happy trail that disappears into his blue trunks, blue trunks that fit him like a second skin and do delicious things to his ass. The veins in his arms bulge as he pulls a board out of the water, and I lick my lips when he stretches out his arms and shows off that tight fucking body.

Yeah, his wife is crazy for thinking he’s anything other than smoking hot.

“Jarred,” I say, approaching him as I take a drag of my cigarette. “Looking good this morning.”

He blushes and it creeps down from his cheek to his neck. His eyes widen slightly as he takes in my chest—probably not used to seeing guys with their nipples pierced—and his eyes immediately look toward the sky. He does that a lot around me, avert his gaze, and I want to find out why.

But I guess that can wait until I’ve learned how to save a life.

“Um, yeah, thanks,” he mumbles, running a large hand through his thick hair. He looks at the cigarette in my hand and frowns. “You know you’re not supposed to be smoking, right?”

“Yup,” I nod, taking a deliberate drag from it. “And?”

He still looks a bit flustered, his eyes continuously tracking down to my pierced nipples. He shakes his head and coughs as he leans down and picks up a whistle from the ground before handing it to me. “So, this will be quick. I just need to make sure that you have your first aid training done and that you’re a good enough swimmer to be on lake duty.”

I nod and put out my cigarette under my flip-flop, taking the whistle from him. “Sounds cool. Where do we start?”

And from there starts the long odious process of first aid training.

First, we start with the basics of how to identify a concussion, heat stroke, and sudden cardiac arrest. He shows me the portable defibrillator that stays at the lifeguard hut and teaches me how to use it. After that, he shows me how to give chest compressions on a plastic dummy. Then we talk about the different rescue equipment and how to properly determine the best way to enter the water. Finally, we move on to the rescue skills.

“So, it’s pretty simple,” he says, taking a step back so he’s standing at the edge of the dock. “We have to go through escapes and rescue techniques. For this example, I’ll get into the water and act as a distressed swimmer. Your job is to make sure that you and I make it back to the shore in one piece. I’m going to start off by being a passive drowning victim.”

I nod and watch as he smiles before jumping into the lake. He swims out far enough that it’ll take me a decent swim to get to him before turning over on his front and pretending like he’s unconscious.

I recall the entry method he taught me and enter the water in a dive, making sure to limit the energy that I put into my strokes and that my rescue tube rests securely on my chest. Once I reach him, I come at him from behind and roll him face up, putting his head in my hands and the rescue tube under his arms as I swim back to the shore.

I try not to get distracted by how big and strong he feels in my arms. I focus on just getting him to safety and ignoring how my dick is screaming at me to rub into the crease of his ass. Thankfully, it’s easy enough to drag him onto the sand and lay him on his back.

Once we’re back on dry ground, he sits up and gives me a cheesy thumbs-up. “That was great, Noah. This next one is going to be a bit tough. I’m going to be thrashing around and you have to make sure you think of yourself as well as you try to attempt a rescue.”

I nod and watch him get back into the water, swimming to the same exact spot he was in earlier. This time, however, he’s acting like a panicked victim. He’s kicking and waving his hands in the air, and I already know this isn’t going to be easy. I head back into the water and go for the front approach this time, testing it out to see if it’s better suited for this kind of rescue.

When I get to him, he’s still a panicked mess, and he surprises me by wrapping his thick legs around my waist and trying to drag me down into the water.

“Fuck, Jarred,” I growl, trying to dislodge him from me as he continues to grab on. “Don’t make this too fucking difficult.”

He just laughs at that and dunks me under the water. “Come on, Noah. You have to save me.”

“Debatable,” I snort as I try to find the best way to carry him while he’s trying to drown me. This might make him uncomfortable, but I settle for resting my hands on his bubble ass and pulling him closer to me. “Don’t let go.”

I can feel the deep breath he sucks in, and I try to hold back my own laugh. If he wanted to be difficult, this is what’s going to happen. I’m going to get a nice juicy handful of this amazing ass. I’m not a creep though, so I just rest my hands there, even though they’re dying to knead into those firm cheeks. He tries to release himself from my hold, but that’s not how a rescue works. If I let him go, I fail the lifeguard training, and I’m committed now.

“Just relax,” I whisper into his ear, pulling him tighter against me. “We’re almost to the shore.”

I’ll admit that it’s fucking hard to swim with him this way, but I feel a sharp thrill of victory when we make it to the bank of the lake in one piece. He’s heavy as fuck, but I manage to carry him and lay him down on the sand.
