Page 4 of Dusk Secrets

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Patrick gives him an enthusiastic nod while I give him a curt dip of my head. Jarred starts off by explaining that our cabins are our homes for the next three months and that we need to keep them clean and in pristine condition while here. He goes through the mandatory list of rules—no smoking, no drinking, no messing around—and I make it a point to add those things to my own personal bucket list for the summer.

He shows us where the showers are—boys and girls separate, of course—and a little hangout area solely reserved for the counselors. Then there’s the mess hall, the art studio, the music room, the outdoor sports hut, and finally, the chapel.

“Most of you already know this, but I’ll go through our schedule again for our newest members,” Jarred says, opening the door for us as we all pile into the building. “We’ll have weekly mass here held by Father Matteo and daily ministry groups led by you.”

I stop at that.Ministry groups. He’s telling me that I have to lead a group of kids in prayer and talk about the righteousness of God. I don’t have the fondest memories of youth groups growing up. It was all prayer and a bunch of adults shoving their beliefs down our throats. It always felt so suffocating, so hypocritical, and so pointless. Now I guess I’m in charge of all that suffocating, hypocritical, pointless bullshit.

Fuck me. This is going to be a long ass summer.



Once the tour is all done, Jarred takes us to the mess hall to sign up for the activities we want to be in charge of once the campers get here.

The list is long and detailed, no doubt a perfect representation of what goes on inside that man’s head, and there are too many options to choose from. Too many options that I don’t give a flying fuck about. There are jobs listed for guitar lessons, dance classes, arts and crafts, hiking, van duty, kitchen cleanup, and so many more that seem unreasonable for twenty counselors to take care of.

I bite the tip of the pen between my teeth as I take a look at the list, contemplating whether I’d like to get my ears shattered by a group of elementary schoolers playing the guitar or get eaten by a bear when I inevitably get lost leading a hike.

“What are you going to choose?”

I look up at Jarred who’s torn himself away from the other counselors getting breakfast to come and talk to me. He keeps his distance, hands clasped behind his back as he looks down at the paper.

“Um, art, I guess?” I sign my name next to the painting slot. Art is something I’ve always been into, and if I have to teach a group of kids anything, it’ll be how to draw a reasonably decent sunset.

He raises a brow. “Just that?”

“Well, what else do I need?”

“Everyone has to do van duty once a week, so you have to put your name next to a slot. You also alternate which days you’ll be a lifeguard at the lake. Did you get your lifeguard training done before you came here?”

My face heats in embarrassment. I was supposed to do that? “No.”

His smile is sympathetic as he looks down at me. “It’s okay. I’m certified to teach you, so we’ll get that sorted up before the kids get here next week.”

“Anything else?” I say, and I find it hard to keep the bite out of my voice at his condescending tone.

His eyes widen a tad at my words. He takes a step closer and leans over my shoulder to point at the last page on the table. “You have to sign up for when you’re going to lead the ministry groups.”

I know I should be focusing on some sort of witty comeback, but I can’t when he’s this close to me. He smells like something citrusy mixed with sandalwood, and it’s entirely too appealing. He’s so close I can feel his breath next to my ear, and I curse myself for how long it’s been since I’ve come because my dick is starting to get interested. I take a quick step away from him.

“Right,” I say, scribbling my name on a random date on the paper. “Will do. Thanks, Jarred.”

“If there’s anything else you need, let me know.” He clears his throat, an unusual flush creeping up his tan neck as he nods. “Team bonding starts in twenty minutes.”

My face pales as he walks away. First, there was youth ministry and now there’s team bonding? Fuck, I really do hate my parents.

I finish up with the signup sheet, barely registering the rest of the blanks I’m filling, and head to the food line. For a camp, this place actually has a decent selection. I take a couple of scoops of eggs and three slices of bacon and make my way to the tables. I automatically bypass where Bryce and Joshua are sitting with some other counselors and plop myself down at the table where Patrick sits with a pretty girl in pigtails.

“Hi, Noah!” the girl beams, extending her pretty manicured hand out to me. “I’m Kendall.”

“Good to meet you,” I grunt, accepting her hand. She looks just like the girls I went to high school with. Perfect Catholic girls with sweet smiles and crosses dangling from their necks. She looks nice enough, and Patrick definitely doesn’t mind her based on the way he’s practically drooling next to her. I gesture at their untouched plates. “Aren’t you going to eat?”

A look of mortification pops up on Kendall’s face as I dig into my eggs. “Eat? Before giving thanks?”

Right, how could I have forgotten? I guess my parents were right about UNC corrupting me because it entirely slipped my head that—heaven forbid—we eat before saying grace.

I’m fucking starving, so I dig in, not giving a flying fuck that some counselors are looking at me like I’m crazy. Jarred raises one brow at my actions, looking perplexed and…intrigued, but he clears his throat quickly and starts to say grace.
