Page 56 of Dusk Secrets

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I laugh along with him, only wincing once when he pulls out. We’re a sweaty mess of tangled limbs when he pulls me up to his chest, his never-ending kisses to the top of my head doing something to me. It makes me so vulnerable, and I can’t keep it in my thoughts because with every act of care, the truth bubbles to the surface. “Is it too soon to love you?”

His lips still on the top of my head. I can feel the heavy breaths he’s letting out, and I’m afraid I’ve freaked him out. I know how skittish he can be sometimes. Just because he was so impatient for me today, doesn’t mean he’s there yet.

But he reassures me when he tips my head up with his fingers under my chin. “I…we’re getting there. Aren’t we?”

I don’t press him for more because I know the truth. It’s love he feels for me. It has to be, but maybe he’s not ready to admit it just yet. I can wait.

Because I’m already there.



I don’t think life has ever been more perfect.

Things with Jarred have been amazing. It seems like every day he’s coming closer and closer to accepting himself, accepting us. It’s a slow process, and sometimes I can see flashes of guilt in his eyes, but I don’t blame him for that. After what he’s been through in his life, I knew that this would be something that he’d struggle with for a long time. But he’s trying. I can see the effort he’s putting in when he’s with me, every moment pushing himself just a little bit further and rejoicing at the little baby steps he takes.

Besides Jarred, camp has actually been pretty fucking fun. It’s been nice seeing Ian blossom in these last two weeks, hanging out with more campers and putting himself out there. Kendall and Patrick are still great, including me in every plan they make even though I sometimes still just want to be by myself.

The only blip in this little peaceful bubble is the fact that it’s Family Weekend at Camp Trinity. I’m not nervous about seeing my parents—counselors’ parents aren’t allowed in—but every other family member of the campers is invited to tour the camp for one day. I’m astonished at the amount of people that have shown up. It’s like the first day of camp all over again but, still, that’s not why I’m nervous.

“Why are you twitching?”

I look at Jarred where he stands beside me, handsome as ever in his Camp Trinity dress shirt, looking his best for the guests we’re having today.

“I’m not twitching,” I say stubbornly, even though I can feel the rhythmic tapping of my fingers against my leg.

“Yes, you are,” he smiles. He cocks his head to the side and drops his voice to a whisper. “Baby, what’s wrong?”

I lick my suddenly chapped lips. “Your kids are coming today.”

“And?” His eyes widen slightly as he slips out a laugh at the realization he has. “Oh, you’re nervous to meet my kids?”

“Well, yeah. I mean, I want them to like me,” I say, fear thrumming in my chest. I know that his kids will have no idea who I am to their dad, but I still want their approval for myself. It doesn’t help that it’s awkward as fuck that they’re six years older than I am. “What if they don’t?”

“Our relationship isn’t contingent on their approval,” he states, and he risks twining his pinky with mine for a split second before pulling back. “But, if it makes you feel better, I think they’ll love you.”

I narrow my eyes at him. “You’re lying to make me feel better.”

“I’m not. Just be yourself, baby.”

“Right,” I say, taking in a deep breath. “I can do that.”

I can be a slightly bitter, sometimes angry, sarcastic asshole, and they’ll love that.

Crap, I’m screwed.

But something lightens in my chest because I know that’s not what Jarred sees when he looks at me the way he’s looking at me now. I almost want to tell him to school his features, but nobody is paying us any attention. When he looks at me this way—chocolate eyes filled with tenderness and love—I know he only sees the best of me. I feel like the best version of myself when I’m with him.


My thoughts are interrupted as Jarred and I both look up to the source of the call.

Jesus fuck, his kids aregorgeous.

Two amazingly tall, brown-eyed, blond-haired supermodels approach us. His twins are smiling wildly as they run up to us, Mary immediately throwing herself in her dad’s arms while Parker claps his back.

Jarred buries his nose in Mary’s hair, rubbing her back before turning and hugging his son. “I’m so glad you two could make it this year.”
