Page 104 of The Rebel Witch

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“She’s fine.” Gray’s hand came down on my shoulder. “She’s simply a bit overwhelmed. Could you send back a missive explaining that we are honored to have received the invitation and we’ll be there on time.”

Like we had a choice.

She nodded and seemed happy to have not gotten her ass kicked, which made me hate Gray’s dad more, but damn. Two hours? I’d thought we’d have more time.

“Is everything okay?”

I turned, and Liv stood in the doorway of the salon. She’d missed lunch, preferring to lock herself in her room. She was back to talking to me as little as possible. I’d thought we’d had a breakthrough this morning. I’d been told she’d pretty much demolished those pastries and there hadn’t been a lot of coffee left, but having a belly full of sweet carbs didn’t seem to make a dent in my bestie’s angst. “Nope. I got a note from Lucifer requesting the presence of our household in his realm for dinner. We’re to bring Dean Malone in case the negotiations go well and Lucifer decides to help us.”

She seemed to think about that for a moment and then she nodded tightly. “You’ll need to dress for the occasion. I know you’ll want to go in jeans and a T-shirt.”

A gasp came from the doorway, and Tix was making his way through. “Oh, no. That will never do. You cannot attend the Lord of Hell’s dinner party wearing anything less than the finest gown we can provide. I’ve already selected clothing for the party, and you are no different, my lady. You’ll find a gorgeous, traditional gown hanging in your closet.”

I wasn’t a gown kind of girl. “Can’t I wear a nice pantsuit?”

I couldn’t kick ass in evening gowns. I know the queen can, but she’s had years of practice to perfect fighting in high heels. I didn’t have a Dev Quinn to insist on stilettos. My guys were laid back.

It was all happening way too fast. I wasn’t ready. I needed more time.

“Hey, baby. It’s going to be okay,” Trent promised.

“Trent is right.” Gray got into my space. He smoothed back my hair, and I could see the resignation in his eyes. He was going to sacrifice himself.

I couldn’t let it happen. But I also didn’t know what else to do. If Dean died, so did all our hopes for defeating Myrddin.

“Oh, I don’t know about that,” Tix said with a shake of his head. “We have mere hours to transform Lady Sloane into…well, what Lady Sloane should look like.”

“You’re beautiful, baby,” Trent said with a wink.

I rolled my eyes. “I look exactly like Lady Sloane should look. I mean it’s such short notice he should be happy I accepted the invitation.”

Tix’s jaw dropped, and he looked to Gray like he could save him.

Gray held up a hand. “Of course we’re going. We’ve already agreed, but Lucifer is going to have to accept that the new Lady Sloane is more casual than ones in the past. She’s surely got something that will work in that closet.”

“I think if she wears the Eye of Night, it will likely elevate whatever she chooses,” Liv said quietly. “I would be willing to help pick something out.”

That felt like progress. I put my hand to the big jewel I’d been wearing pretty much day and night. “I agree. This sucker is practically a crown. Maybe if I wear a pushup bra this baby will highlight my boobs, and then I can wear pants.”

“No pants,” Tix insisted. “And our lovely prisoner must wear something beyond ripped jeans and a concert T.”

“I’m not going,” Liv announced. “And I don’t care because he’s an asshole, and I don’t want to be around him.”

Tix’s mouth dropped and closed and dropped again. “But…”

Trent held up a hand, pointing to the invitation he’d been studying. “It merely states that we’re to bring our family. Technically, Liv is a prisoner. I think it will be fine for her to stay behind. Casey can stay here with her.”

“He should go,” Liv said with a frown. “I know he won’t want to miss it. Don’t you need an academic around to do whatever academics do?”

“We’ll be fine,” Gray assured her.

Liv frowned. “Dean’s fading, you know. I don’t think he has much more time. Being here on the Hell plane has helped, but the Uro spell can only be held back for so long.”

My gut turned, but I forced back the bile. I had to be strong. “Then I should get ready to go. Trent, did you find anything out this morning?”

“We’ve hit a brick wall,” he replied, glancing over at Liv. “But we can talk about it later.”

“You can’t find my soul.” She shrugged like it was no biggie. “I know what you’re doing when you go on runs. I know Lee and Evan are looking, too. You won’t find it because Myrddin has it. I gave it to him to do whatever he liked with it.”
