Page 120 of The Rebel Witch

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“Trent, I need you to go and find Eddie,” Gray whispered. “I think you can sneak out the back. Lucifer didn’t say he couldn’t portal. Only that our communication is being interrupted. I want our wife out of here.”

“I’m not going anywhere without you,” I whispered back.

But Trent was already moving. I watched as he seemed to blend in with the shadows, sneaking around the columns and back inside the main house, leaving us on this huge balcony.

“Our daughter,” Lucifer corrected. His eyes were back to normal, and he took a step toward her. “Lil, it’s been so long. I rather thought you would stay in your kingdom forever.”

“I travel often. I simply don’t come to see you,” she replied. “Answer my question. Is this the man you sold my daughter to? And where is my son? He should have gotten Lord Sloane out of here as soon as that male entered your realm. If you’ve hurt him…”

That was the moment I felt a cold chill come over me, and I started to wonder if I would survive the next few minutes.

Chapter Eighteen


I couldn’t move. I was fixed in place, and then I realized that while the world kept spinning on around me, Myrddin Emrys was whispering in my head.

What have you done, you dumb cow? Something’s different about you. Did you think you could break free from my spells? I thought for sure you would have slit your own wrists to avoid the pain of withdrawal. Or have they been feeding you demon blood?

I hated that voice. My body might be obeying his magic, but my mind was finally free.

Which meant I had a chance. I simply had to find a way to distract the fucker.

Kelsey. I had to find a way to help Kelsey because Lilith seemed way too involved in her own family drama, and she was forgetting the mission.

Casey. I needed Casey. He should be rushing to Kelsey. Where was he?

I could feel a hot wind blast across my skin. We were on some kind of big balcony, the flames of Hell giving the sky a smoky maroon color. This was the seat of Lucifer’s power, and it looked like he was showing off, letting his guests see how high he was above the fiery planes.

I managed to move my gaze, seeking Casey.

Don’t bother reaching out for the vampire. I’ve got him in a stasis spell. He’s not going to help you. Tell me where Lee Donovan-Quinn is.

I threw up every wall I had.

Olivia.He tsked in my head.Don’t fight me. I have your soul. I have it right here in my pocket. Would you like me to leave it here in Hell with Lucifer? He loves to play with souls, you know.

Lies. He was lying, and yet I could feel my soul. It was here. It had been close for a while now. Why hadn’t I felt it before?

“I wouldn’t hurt your son,” Lucifer was saying. “Lilith, you know I would do almost anything for you.”

Normally I love a good family drama, and if there wasn’t a witch out there trying to dislodge Kelsey’s son’s soul from his body, I would have asked my bestie to pop some corn and done a deep dive on how Lilith ended up married to Lucifer Morningstar. I mean she’d gone from Adam to the Lord of Hell. It could put Brangelina to shame, and appeared to have ended just as happily.

But now nothing mattered except the fact that necklace was still around Kelsey’s neck.

“Tix is fine,” Lucifer continued. “As for our daughter, you know I had no choice in that. If you want to blame someone, blame my father. Heaven set up the system long ago.”

“You didn’t have to give them Layla. Nimue. That’s her name now, isn’t it?” Lilith asked. “They renamed my daughter.”

We were in so much trouble, and I couldn’t break free. I heard Fenrir growling behind me, but he wasn’t exactly attacking. Kelsey and Gray were across the room, and I thought Evan was behind me, likely sticking close to Fen. I had no idea where Lee was and that was how I wanted it because I could feel that fucker trying to get inside my brain.

“Don’t concern yourself with Nimue, woman,” Myrddin said with a frown. “She belongs to me.”

“She belongs to herself,” Lilith practically roared and turned her attention to Myrddin. “I know what you did to her.”

“And this is why I didn’t tell you what happened, my love.” Lucifer actually sounded human for a moment. Like a man trying to placate his woman. Or rather a complete asshole who was trying to justify the unjustifiable. “Why don’t we get rid of the mortals and go somewhere quiet to talk?”

I didn’t think that was going to work out for him. I was pretty sure Lilith was done with men.
