Page 123 of The Rebel Witch

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“What happened to her? To Gray’s mom?” Kelsey asked, placing her hand in Gray’s.

“She’s being tortured right now,” Lucifer explained, putting a hand to his ear. “If you listen, you can probably hear her. It’s why I love being on this balcony. The sound of the damned is so soothing.”

“You’re a jackass,” Lilith said with a huff.

“Well, what am I supposed to do, love? She looked like one of those women who always wants to talk to a manager. She would probably have written a review, and I’m trying to keep that Yelp average tight, if you know what I mean,” Lucifer said. “And I wouldn’t have upheld that particular rule. Not when it came to you. I would have let Lord Sloane and the Midnight Kingdom burn. She miscalculated.”

“I think she calculated exactly right. If you have to choose between me and your rage, your choice is already made.” Lilith’s brow rose in obvious challenge. “Or will you let my friends leave with me? I assume this whole ploy is a way to get the dark prophet to work for you again.”

“I don’t know. I might ask the witch if she wants to work down here a while. She’s got talent,” Lucifer muttered.

“Abso-fucking-lutely not.” Kelsey seemed to be finding her feet again. “Olivia, are you done with all the leather and sadness and crap?”

Naturally she summed up the worst period of my life with eloquence. “Yes. I think I’m done being Myrddin’s bitch. Can I kill him now?”

I had plans for him.

“Down, witch,” Lucifer chastised. “And my wife is unfortunately right. I’m still going to negotiate with the dark prophet. It’s all right. She’s already pissed at me. I can make it up to her later.”

“Fuck you,” Lilith announced. “And I think I’d like a word with the wizard.”

“I was offered safe passage,” Myrddin announced. He’d moved closer to the balcony’s edge, and I wondered if I could push him off. He’d probably live, but it would hurt, and he’d likely get swarmed by hungry demons, which would also hurt.

Lucifer’s eyes rolled. “He was. I can’t allow any of you to hurt him. Gray, will you sign my contract or do I allow the wizard to kill the boy here and now?”

“Or we could pick door number three, as my mother would say,” a familiar voice said.

There was a whooshing sound, and Lee Donovan-Quinn was suddenly standing in the middle of the balcony.

And I worried the evening had gotten infinitely more dangerous.

* * * *


I was going to have a fucking heart attack. I just knew it. I’d nearly lost my son’s soul, and now my dad’s was in trouble because it was housed in that reckless boy’s body. “Lee, move away from the pissed off Hell lord, please.”

Lucifer’s eyes seemed to glow with unholy fire as he moved closer to Lee, who folded the Mantle of Arthur over his arm. “Oh, don’t bother, boy. I would catch you before you could run. You’ve been trying to steal from me. You’ve been trying to steal a piece of me.”

“He’s only a boy.” Lilith seemed to go still, indicating she thought this could go very wrong.

Lucifer wasn’t buying it. “No, he’s not. He’s a vampire king and the son of the most obnoxious woman I’ve ever met. Lady Sloane is a fucking delight compared to Zoey Donovan-Quinn.”

“I am not.” It was insulting. I could be every bit as annoying as Zoey.

“Hush, baby.” Trent was back and wrapped an arm around my waist. “Let Lee handle this.”

So he knew what was going on. He’d likely found Lee and talked this over. But I still stood by my assertion. Way more annoying than the queen.

“I will admit that the time I met your mother, I underestimated her. I sent a piece of me that’s particularly misogynistic,” he said with a negligent shrug.

“That would be all of you,” Lilith huffed under her breath, but her eyes were on Myrddin.

Lucifer ignored her. “But I won’t underestimate you. Do you know what the punishment is for taking something of mine?”

“I’m sure it’s terrible. Probably an eternity of having my innards eaten by ants or something.” Lee sent Lilith his most charming smile. “Hey, Nim’s mom. You look good. She’s coming along nicely. The last time I checked she had knees and everything. And she’d started a flirtation with a water dragon.”

“She’s really alive,” Lilith asked, her voice going hopeful.
