Page 125 of The Rebel Witch

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Such a weird question to have to answer, but Lee’s life hadn’t exactly been on the normal side.

“My Lord,” Myrddin began, “it was a rogue agent. And Lee Donovan-Quinn was caught attempting to steal from my Coven House.”

“Dude, seriously? It was his home.” I couldn’t stay quiet forever. Hypocrisy was this guy’s middle name. “He was literally born there. You stole it from his parents.”

“And that will mean nothing to Lucifer. But this will,” Lee continued. “It was his agent Alexander Sharpe, and I am certain Myrddin is the one who gave him the dagger.”

“I did nothing of the kind.” Myrddin dismissed the accusation with a wave of his hand. “I’ve never seen that weapon before in my life.”

“Yes, you have.” Liv stepped up, and I could feel the magic crackling off her, but this time I wasn’t afraid of it. The collar Lily had made to contain her magic was on the floor, but I knew she didn’t need it now. Something had broken free in my friend and while I knew she would never be the same carefree girl she’d been, I also knew I would love this version of Liv as much as I had the one before. “The Dark Dagger was kept in the Coven House. Myrddin knew about it and where it came from. I don’t know for sure, but he’s likely the one who stole your bone and created the weapon.”

Was Lucifer about to kill Myrddin? Because that would be the capper on a wild day. It would almost make the whole “Gray’s mom tried to evict my baby’s soul from his body” thing worth it.

We needed so much therapy. I really hoped the royals found the Days because we could use some Felix sessions right about now.

“You cannot prove that.” Myrddin’s tone had gone stiff. “Lord Lucifer, you granted me safe passage and a boon. Are you going to break that sworn vow?”

Lucifer was at least eight feet tall now, and I could see him gathering his body, red mist flowing from the balcony below. If he kept it up, those massive horns would poke through the roof soon. Rage coursed off him, and I worried he might kill us all without a thought.

Lilith put a hand on his arm and the mist evaporated, the threat fleeing the room liked she’d popped a balloon. It was good to know someone could control the Lord of Hell. “Don’t make this worse. You know you can’t kill him, and you cannot prove what the witch has said. Her memories are too twisted for me to read them for truth, and I cannot read that bastard at all.”

“I need him. I hate needing him.” Lucifer shrunk again, becoming the handsome rogue I’d met before. “My plans will fail without him, and now I must go into them blind because I cannot allow pieces of myself out in the world. Prince Lee, you have your deal.” He flicked his wrist. “Your friend is healed. He should wake up in an hour or so, and I’ve transported him back to the Midnight Kingdom. Give me the dagger.”

Lee hesitated.

Lilith nodded, seeming to understand. “His word, in this case, is good. He will do as he promised. It’s safe to give him the dagger. Lucifer, tell him he will suffer no ill effects from your anger. The prince is worried you will take the dagger and then end his life again with it. But you will not do such a thing because he is not the one who stole your bones.”

“He did not, though I will remember the fact that he put me in this position,” Lucifer admitted. “You have made an enemy of me, but you will leave my realm free and safe this evening.”

I didn’t like the sound of that, but we had to take what we could get. His mother had once made an enemy of the dark god in front of me and Zoey was still kicking.

Lee handed Lucifer the Dark Dagger and the Lord of Hell examined it, his features softening as though in remembrance. He caressed it briefly before pressing it to his chest. No blood flowed as the dagger was absorbed right through the fabric of the clothing he wore. Lucifer’s chest expanded as the hilt sank inside, and he seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

Trent did, too, and I realized the true danger had passed.

Lucifer took Lilith’s hand and brought it to his lips. “You are, as always, correct. I feel better than I have in a long time. Prince Lee, perhaps I spoke in haste. I should be grateful you were willing to turn over the dagger. You’re right. It could have aided your father. Lord Sloane, I hope you will consider serving as my focus from time to time. We can work something out, though I will give you space for now. Maybe you will consider the fact that your child has come to no harm in my realm.”

That fucker was delusional since he’d been ready to let Mama Sloane pull her fast one. I opened my mouth to tell him off, but Trent’s hand came right over it.

“I shall consider what you’ve said,” Gray replied with way more politeness than he should have.

But we were almost out of here with everything we wanted, so I relaxed and only licked Trent’s hand a little to let him know I was annoyed.

“Then I must be satisfied with the outcome of this session of ours,” Lucifer announced, and I noticed he hadn’t dropped Lilith’s hand.

“I am not.” Myrddin’s lips curled into a snarl. “Satisfied, that is. You promised me that I would leave here with my son.”

“Who you want to kill,” Liv accused.

“That is none of your business, bitch,” he shot back. “And don’t think I’m done with you.”

“I promised you a boon. I never said you would get Dean,” Lucifer replied. “As always, I’m careful in the way I word my offers.”

“And now I cannot have Lee either. You promised him safe passage from here.” Myrddin seemed to be figuring out this was not going to go his way. “So our plans are still at risk. You understand if the two of them live, I am in danger, and I am the only one who can grant you the outcome you wish.”

“Are you questioning me?” Lucifer turned the magician’s way.

Myrddin didn’t back down, giving me some hope we still might see his head roll. “I am demanding my due. If you wish for me to do your bidding, you will give it to me. I’m no minion to be dismissed with nothing.”
