Page 126 of The Rebel Witch

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“I promised you a boon.” Lucifer sniffed, looking haughty and regal again. “Fine. Take your rage out on someone. I don’t care, but you can’t take one of them with you. I can’t have Lord Sloane angry with me.”

Gray started to step up, but Myrddin was already on the move. His hands lifted, and I felt a rush of power.

“Then I’ll take a child for a child,” Myrddin said.

My heart threatened to shatter. “Fenrir!”

But it wasn’t Fenrir whose body was suddenly in the air.

Evangeline rose, her eyes widening, and I watched in horror as Myrddin used his magic to toss her off the balcony and into the bowels of Hell.

Chapter Nineteen


The world seemed to both stop and be in a nauseating fast-forward all at the same time. I watched as Evan went over the balcony and knew there was nothing I could do to stop it. We were so high. She would fall, and then even if she somehow managed to survive, the ground beneath was infested with demons who would view her as a sweet treat. They would take her apart.

As I began to run across the room, my mind processed all the crimes they could commit upon her. Sweet, funny, smart Evan. Brave Evan.

Tears blurred my eyes, and I felt something big move beside me.

A harrowing howl seemed to fill the world, and I realized Fenrir was still in wolf form. For a moment I thought he would tear Myrddin apart, but what he did was worse. He followed Evan, leaping over the balcony wall to his sure death below.

And I stopped, my body hitting some invisible barrier. I put my hands up, outraged I couldn’t go after my son. Pure panic flooded my system. “Fenrir!”

Gray was beside me, trying to get through, and I hadn’t noticed when Trent had taken his wolf form. He snarled at my side, his head butting the wall.

Lee had gone pale, his eyes fixed on that balcony as he looked back at me. For a moment he was a child again and I was the adult who made the world easier for him. “Kelsey, I can’t fly.”

My heart ached. He would always blame himself. “Lee.”

I couldn’t say anything but his name. There was nothing to say.

Lee turned Myrddin’s way, his fangs long in his mouth and death written on his expression.

He couldn’t kill Myrddin without Dean. I knew it deep in my soul. If he went after Myrddin now, we would have lost all three of them. Evan and Fenrir and Lee.

The horror was too much to process, and I couldn’t even get to the balcony’s edge to see if I could do something to help.

“I think not, Prince Lee.” Lucifer seemed way more interested in staring at Lilith than he was in the life and death drama going on. “I did promise the man safe conduct.”

Lilith was way too calm in my mind, and I wondered if I’d misjudged her. “He should leave or I’ll be the one who breaks your promise. I know he’s hurt my daughter.”

“Well, she was meant to be his bride and she denied him over and over. Rather like her mother,” Lucifer said with a sigh as he stared down at Lilith’s shoulder, his fingers moving on her arm. “Myrddin, you should leave. I’m not particularly happy with you right now either.”

“Tell the queen this is not the last of her children I will slaughter,” Myrddin announced and then in a cloud of dust, he was gone.

The queen wasn’t the only one who had lost a child. Whether or not Fenrir survived the fall, he would never be the same. The loss of his mate would kill something inside my son.

That was the moment I realized Liv was standing behind me and her whole body was still, her hands at her sides. So still.

I knew that face. I’d seen it when she was working a spell, when someone was in danger and she couldn’t afford to lose concentration.

Casey watched her. “I think she’s got a hold on them both. Don’t distract her.”

Her lips moved, but I couldn’t hear the words she was saying.

Lee turned to Liv, his eyes wide. “She’s begging Evan to do something. She’s telling Evan she can do it. I don’t know whatitis. My sister is alive? How could she have survived that fall?”
