Page 127 of The Rebel Witch

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Because she hadn’t fallen. Because Liv had saved her. Because despite the fact Lucifer had put up a wall, Liv’s magic had managed to get through it. She could have taken a shot at Myrddin, but she’d chosen to save Evan and my boy. My best friend had chosen love when I needed her to.

Gray had turned to face Liv, too, and it was obvious his hearing was far better than mine. “She’s begging Evan to save Fenrir. She can’t hold them both.” My husband put a hand on Trent’s back before shifting his attention to Lucifer. “Lord Lucifer, please allow me to save my son and the princess.”

Lucifer’s eyes lit, and I could see the calculation there. “Oh, do you need a favor from me, Lord Sloane?”

I didn’t care in that moment. I only wanted my son to be safe. I wanted Evan back here. I would have sold my own soul to ensure they survived.

“I think you should wait to answer him, Lord Sloane.” Lilith strode to the balcony and looked over. “That’s right, child. You have the power. Don’t be afraid. Let it flow. It’s not a curse. It’s strength and providence. You can save yourself and him. All you have to do is let go of your fear.”

A whooshing sound filled the world and Liv’s body sagged, Casey catching her before she fell to the floor.

Evan rose from below, great wings bearing her up. Her eyes were black orbs as she flew, wings beating the hot wind around them. In her arms she held my son in his wolf form. She looked far too delicate to hold such a massive wolf, but she cradled him to her chest as she attempted to move back onto the balcony. She was a newborn colt trying to run before she could walk.

“Stay calm, child,” Lilith said, her tone calm and soothing. “You can do this. When you were given wings, the knowledge of how to use them was placed in your blood. Don’t panic. Simply listen to your instincts. They will not lead you astray.”

Evan dropped once more and then steadied, flying over the railing and landing on the balcony floor with a crash.

I felt the wall drop and ran for them.

Fenrir changed, the flow from wolf to young man coming in an easy transition. He was on his knees, reaching for her and dragging his mate close. “Baby. Fuck. Fuck, I thought you were going to die. I…I…”

He simply held her, wrapping himself around her. He didn’t seem to realize she wasn’t hugging him back. There was a blank look on Evan’s face that I didn’t like. I could understand the trauma of what she went through, but I didn’t think that expression was about fear. Not fear of dying.

But I was pretty sure she was terrified of those wings still twitching on her back.

“Are you okay?” I could see blood where the wings had torn through the skin of her back and her clothes. Her fingers were bleeding from the sharp talons that had sprouted.

She turned her head up, and I noticed her ears had taken on a more triangular shape. She looked oddly more Fae, though I didn’t think this was part of her Fae ancestry. No. This was the change she’d feared, the price for being saved by the primal. There was a bat-like appearance to her ears, and those leathery wings were definitely more bat than anything angelic. “I don’t know how to make them go away.”

“You don’t have to,” Fen said. “You’re beautiful, baby. You can fly. Not even Lee can fly, and he’s got all the power.”

“I can’t fly yet,” Lee countered. “I will almost certainly be able to fly.”

“I don’t want them,” Evan said, her voice lower than usual.

“Baby, it’s okay.” Fen stood, holding his hand out to help her up. “We’ll make it work.”

She ignored his hand, choosing to stand and damn near take her brother’s head off because those wings of hers came complete with extra taloned hands. “I can’t walk around like this, Fen.”

Oh, she was in shock. “It’s okay, Evan. We’ll find a way to make it easier to deal with.”

“Why would she want to do that?” Lucifer looked on like he didn’t understand what was happening. “She looks so much better. The way she was before was bland. And honestly, I’ve seen that face on every random white lady. This is a good look on you. The wings make your tits look bigger.”

“Luc,” Lilith hissed. “You’re not helping.”

“Well, I’m not known for wanting to help. I’m sick to death of all the drama, and now I’m horny because you smell so fucking delicious,” Lucifer admitted. “Come back to my room and I’ll talk about letting you torture Myrddin. I’m sure we can work something out. He doesn’t need all his limbs to do what he’s promised.”

Lilith’s eyes rolled. “And I’m sick to death of you disappointing me. I think I’ll take my new friends and go. Don’t come to my kingdom again unless you have news of my daughter.”

Lucifer’s eyes narrowed, and for a moment I thought we would have a problem, but then Lilith snapped her fingers and the world bent and changed around me and in an instant we were back in the Midnight Kingdom in the salon we’d left from.

I looked around, quickly counting heads to make sure we hadn’t left anyone behind.

“Where’s Dean?” Lee had a hand out as though he could feel the young man.

I could think of more of our peeps. “Eddie and Tix were with us, too.”

“My mistress, I am so relieved.” Eddie walked into the salon. “They took us to the kitchens and then we suddenly found ourselves back here and unable to teleport in.”
