Page 128 of The Rebel Witch

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Tix practically pushed him aside, running into the room. “Lord Sloane! You’re alive. I was certain something terrible had happened but I couldn’t get back.” He stopped, his head tilted. “She tried to do what?” Tix gasped and put a hand to his heart. “Rain tells me that bitch who lives in the library tried to evict him from his own body. Where is she? No one is going to mess with my…my charge.”

“He’s very protective of his charges.” Lilith had a soft smile on her face as she took in the alien-looking Tix. It was hard to believe they were related since she seemed so human with the exception of those lavender eyes.

Tix gasped and turned. “Mother!”

He rushed her way and she opened her arms, welcoming her son.

I moved to mine, who was standing slightly apart from Evan. “Are you okay?”

His eyes trailed to where Liv was leaning heavily against Casey. “Yes, but only because of her. If Liv hadn’t…”

He couldn’t even speak the words.

Trent was back in his human form. Naked, naturally, but if anyone was shocked, they didn’t show it. “Dean is here. I can smell him. I think he’s back in his room. Lilith, thank you for the save. If there is anything I can do, please let me know.”

“I only wish to know everything you can tell me about my daughter,” she said quietly.

“Layla?” Tix asked. “I thought my sister was lost forever.”

“Well, her father is a tricky one. I should have remembered,” Lilith muttered.

The hounds had found their mother again, and I noted Puff was with them, sniffing around Evan.

He growled.

“Hey, buddy, that’s your mom,” Fen said, picking him up. “It’s okay.”

“He doesn’t recognize me.” Evan seemed to panic, turning, and her wings slapped against the bookshelf, sending a vase crashing to the floor. “He doesn’t know who I am.”

Lee started to reach for her, and one of the talons on her wings caught him on the cheek and he began to bleed. “Hey, Evan, calm down.”

Lilith moved in front of her. “Calm, child. You changed. You can change back. Let go of the wings now. Until you need them again. What is your name?”

Evan seemed to still, her wings folding in against her back. “Evangeline Donovan-Quinn.”

“Princess Evangeline Donovan-Quinn,” Lee corrected. “Of the royal family of the King of All Vampire and daughter of the High Priest of Faery and his goddess.”

Evan frowned, rolling her eyes and suddenly looking more like Evan again. She had a set of delicate fangs, but she sent her brother a bratty look. “You are so pretentious. I would almost think you’re Rhys and not Lee.”

“Rhys is right about this,” Lee admitted. “We’re standing in front of the First Woman, the mother of demons. Apparently the mother of Nimue, Lady of the Lake, and the one person who might have a shot at controlling Lucifer. She should know who she speaks to and that we can help her.”

“Prince Lee, you are quite the politician,” Lilith replied.

A smooth smile crossed Lee’s face, and the playboy was back in the building. “I’m far more, ma’am.”

Tix’s lips turned down. “Do not hit on my mother. She is thousands of years old. Thousands. She saw man fall.”

Lee winked. “I bet we fell for her.”

I swear sometimes Lee sounds like he’s trying to be Joey fromFriends. “Go and check on Dean.”

Lee shrugged. “Sorry. She’s hot, and she looks like she’s going to calm my sister down. My sister, who I’ve been worried isn’t equipped for the war to come. Now I’m not as worried. You just wait, sis. Sasha’s going to have whole new training protocols for you.”

“Hey, don’t tease her,” Fen objected.

But Evan ignored them both, watching Lilith with worried eyes. “I don’t know how to change back. I can’t live like this. I can’t go home with wings and fangs and talons.”

Liv stood up. “I can help you. You need to take some energy from me.”
