Page 129 of The Rebel Witch

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“Baby, you’re pretty much out of energy,” Casey objected. “I think you should go rest.”

Liv shook her head, and I swear I could see the brown in her hair again. Like breaking the connection to Myrddin had begun a reversion to her original form. “No, I need to do this. Let me help her. Casey, I still can’t feel what I should. My soul is still incomplete, and it might always be, but I can do the right thing. I can do it because I should. I think it’s Eddie’s blood. I know I have to get off it, but it has helped me in so many ways.”

“I will not miss it, Mistress Olivia.” Eddie bowed.

Liv held out a hand, and Eddie took it. “I thank you, my friend. Your wisdom has always been a lighthouse for this family.”

I was not going to cry.

Maybe a little.

Liv squeezed Eddie’s hand and then moved into Evan’s space. She took a long breath and placed her hands on Evan’s shoulders. “You are in control of this. You decide when and if you change. Picture your body the way it was before. You can walk the Earth in that form and have all the power of the primal at your fingertips.”

“I don’t want it,” Evan vowed.

“You have to want it. This won’t work if you reject it,” Liv explained.

“Baby, I love you,” Fenrir promised. “There is nothing wrong with you. I think you look awesome.”

“I look like a freak, and I’m further from being a proper mate to you than I ever have been. If you think the alphas won’t accept a companion as your mate, I can’t even think of what they’ll say about a hybrid primal,” Evan said, her voice tight and tears in her eyes.

“You’re not a vampire,” her brother said firmly. “I would be able to sense if you were. What I think you are is something more like a hybrid werebat.”

She jabbed a finger his way as though he’d made her point. “And that is even worse. Wolves have problems with other wolf packs, much less other were creatures. They will never accept me now.”

“I don’t care,” Fenrir promised. “Evan, we’ve been over this. I do not care.”

“But you will.” She sniffled, and my heart ached for her. But she turned back to Liv. “I have to find a way to change. If you can help me…”

Liv held out her hands. “Put your palms on mine and close your eyes.”

Her hands shaky, Evan did as Liv asked.

“Now I want you to think about folding your wings in.” Liv’s eyes closed, too. “They’ve been with you for a while now, so you know there’s space for them. There’s space for your fangs and claws, too. It’s normal and natural for them to recede when you don’t need them.”

“It’s not happening,” Evan said.

Lilith moved in beside her. “Because you’re panicking. The witch is right, and the energy that is flowing off her will help, but you have to open yourself to it. It’s only good energy, Princess Evangeline. I can see it. The witch is changed, and you can trust her. And the wolf king… His love for you makes his soul shine. You are true mates, and wings cannot change this. So breathe and let the witch guide you through this first transformation.”

Evan’s eyes closed again, and she took in a deep breath.

After a long moment, her wings folded in and receded, leaving her with a decimated shirt and two light scars where the wings had disappeared. I wasn’t close, but I thought they were slightly open.

“Okay, I feel better.” Evan stepped back and looked down at her hands. “I can feel them, but they don’t hurt. I think I could do it again if I needed to.”

“Oh, you’ll do it again.” Trent had found a pair of pants—likely because Eddie had hidden them all over the mansion. “You’ll have to train, Evan. Lee is right. This is going to make a huge difference in the war to come. I know you’re upset about it, but I think once you settle in, you’ll see how much power you’ve been handed.”

“I’ve been handed a curse,” Evan said with a frown. “But I can see the men in my life are only going to see me as a weapon for now. I’m going to check on Dean and make sure Lucifer did what he promised. Fenrir, put on some pants, babe.”

She strode out of the room.

“Well, she’s going to be fun,” Lee said, beginning to follow her. “I thought she would be excited. I never imagined this would be her reaction. It’s not like she’s got to walk around with eight-foot wings.”

“No, but she’s got to deal with the fact that she could hold Fen back,” Gray said with a shake of his head. “And I know you don’t care, Fen, but she does, and she’s not wrong about this making things worse. With her father back, we’re going to need the wolves to fall in line. We can’t take on Myrddin without them.”

“That’s not Fenrir’s responsibility,” I pointed out.

“But it is.” Fen moved to the hallway. “And I will handle it, but I will not give up my mate for any reason.”
