Page 24 of The Rebel Witch

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“Oh, in this case not. These witches owe their souls to Myrddin, and I don’t think he would give that up. Myrddin’s good relationship with the demons means the price for helping is much lower. Pain. They would have to endure pain to prove they were worthy to wield the power of Those Who Burn.”

“Okay, that sounds terrible.”

She shrugged. “I’m sure they’re used to it. These are a small class of demons who gain their power from the Hell plane’s sun. It burns hotter than the one here, hotter and deadlier. The witches would have spent days soaking that power into their skin, burning it along with their internal organs. Only demon blood would keep them alive until they purged it through the spell. I take back what I said about Lily. If she’s kept Dean alive after that, she’s excellent at what she does. Though I suspect his father’s ties to the Hell plane helped. Myrddin is the son of an incubus. That DNA could help Dean fight the spell, though not forever.”

“How do we clear it?”

She finally turned. “There is only one thing that can reverse an Uro spell. Dark Light.”

“Awesome.” Now we were cooking with gas. “And where do I get that?”

Her lips curled in the evilest smirk. “Dark Light is not a thing. It’s a spell. I’m going to need some ingredients. Mostly regular components that can easily be found on the Hell plane, but there is one thing I’ll need that could be tricky. It’s the most important part of the spell. It’s what will give the spell its light.”

“And what’s that?”

“You’re going to have to steal one of Lucifer’s feathers. Specifically from his heavenly wings.”

“I’m sorry, what?” I prayed she was joking.

She was not.

“What do you mean we need to steal something from Lucifer Morningstar?” Casey’s jaw had dropped when I’d explained to him what Liv had told me.

“I don’t think he’s a dude we want to steal from.” Trent wasn’t happy either.

“This is going to be so fucking cool.” Lee was the only one who looked enthusiastic.

It had been a mere hour since Liv had explained to me that in order to save Dean, we would have to create a Dark Light spell to counteract the Uro spell. Donovan had put in the call to Gray, or at least he’d left a message. I wasn’t sure where my dark prophet husband was in the world. Likely witnessing something. He did that a lot.

Of course he also served as Lucifer’s focal point, so he had access to the big guy.

“Liv thinks a Dark Light spell will save Dean?” Evan proved she was the smartest person sitting around the table. She had Puff in her lap and Fenrir sitting at her side. “So we’re dealing with an Uro spell. That’s nasty. I’ve read about it, but I’ve never seen one done before. Poor Dean.”

Lee had sobered. “Yeah. I think he’s in pain. How long do we have and do we trust Liv?”

“I’m right here.” Liv sat in the corner. I’d let her out of her room once she’d agreed to wear a collar that bound her magic.

I hated the sight of it around her neck. It reminded me of all she’d lost and that I was her jailer now. It was also the only way I could let her move around the house. Her room was far too small for this meeting, and I needed to get everyone on board.

The Fae contingent was having their own meeting since they were planning on heading to Dev’s homeland sooner than expected as well. They would be looking for a way to find Sarah, Felix, and Mia Day, who we believed were currently residing on one of the many celestial planes. They should be safe from Myrddin.

We had to deal with the fact that he might knock on our freaking door.

Lee looked her way. “Yes, you are, Ms. Carey, and I ask again, why should we believe you?”

“Because Dean Emrys is the logical heir to my master’s throne,” she said in a big old lofty tone that did not match the fuzzy socks on her feet. She wasn’t sitting at the table with us, preferring to perch on the window seat. “The Profane should have taken better care with their spells. If Myrddin finds out they attempted an Uro with his son in the vicinity, he will likely show them his own sun spell. Exuro. He won’t need to burn them from within. He’ll just set them on fire.”

Lee touched his chest. “They were trying to burn me from within?”

“Not even a vampire king can survive a direct hit from an Uro spell. Hell’s sun is much brighter than the Earth plane’s,” Liv said with obvious relish. “It’s powered by the souls of the damned and a unique class of demons.”

Fenrir frowned my way. “I don’t think Lee should go with us if there’s like demons running around in the sun. I know he can daywalk, but that sounds sus to me.”

A lot of things sounded sus to my son. It also proved that his demon father had never once taken him to his home. “Your papa’s house is in a moonlight portion of the plane.”

Evan scratched between Puff’s ears, and the hellhound puppy practically purred. “Hell is actually made up of a lot of smaller interconnected planes. Like the Heaven plane. There are a lot of different landscapes. The House of Sloane rules over what’s called a midnight kingdom. It’s always dark. The moon is always full.”

“You will be far more powerful there, son,” Trent advised. “And far more tempted by your wolf instincts.”
