Page 26 of The Rebel Witch

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“She’s being a bitch.” Vampires didn’t catch sexually transmitted infections. There were very few ways to kill one, but sending in a pretty body with a stake might work on Lee. Send in a couple of those and he wouldn’t even notice someone with a sword. “Gray, Trent is right about us needing to move. Can we do it tonight?”

He seemed to shake something off and turned his attention back to me. “Of course. The House of Sloane is always available to you and Trent and the children.”

“Then why didn’t you take us there?” Fen asked.

Gray huffed. “Because Dad thought you would go a little crazy. Our moon is powerful. The one time I took your dad there…” He seemed to stumble, and I swear that demon blushed. “Well, let’s hope you handle yourself better than Trent did. Kelsey, you should understand Trent is going to be needy.”

My mind went all kinds of places. I knew my men had turned to each other but we hadn’t talked about how far it had gone, and I hadn’t gotten to watch. Which made me sad.

I intended to work on that while we were in Gray’s kingdom. If being there made my men more open to all things hot and sexy, I would revel in it.

“I think I can deal with that,” I murmured. “But we do have to talk about the fact that we’re going to need one of Lucifer’s feathers for the Dark Light spell.”

“Absolutely not.” Gray had gone stony. “We’ll have to find another way. I’m not bringing the king’s son to Hell so he can be devoured by the Morningstar. That’s what will happen.”

“I don’t know. I’m pretty good.” Lee sat back, an arrogant look on his face.

I worried that would be the look on his face when he died—a real death this time. “Gray, we can’t lose Dean.”

I didn’t want to talk about why in front of Liv, despite the fact that I knew she was well aware we thought Dean was one of two beings on the plane who could wield the weapon that could kill Myrddin.

“She thinks Dean will turn on his father.” Liv threw it out there, letting me know she wasn’t going to sit on the sidelines. “He won’t once he takes his place at his side.”

“Myrddin sent his mother away. I’m not sure why he wouldn’t kill Dean since the initial plan didn’t work,” Lee pointed out, not looking Liv’s way.

“You do understand that Myrddin didn’t realize he was sending his son away. The prophecy he discovered with the help of Gray’s brother was revealed to him long before Dean’s conception.”

“Yes, it’s why he killed my grandfather.” Fenrir was looking at her, and there was a darkness in his eyes that worried me.

“Myrddin didn’t kill Lee Owens. My, my, you people like to make things dramatic,” Liv cooed.

“He knew what would happen to my father when he sent the royals and their guards out of the pocket world they were protected in.” I wasn’t going to allow her to rewrite history. It had been Liv who helped me deal with learning what Myrddin had done to ensure my biological father was no longer a threat.

“My master tends to like to give a guy a chance,” Liv allowed. “All Lee Owens had to do was run. And I don’t understand why we’re all so upset. It’s not like the fucker didn’t come back. He’s literally sitting right there.”

Rage filled me, and before I could really think about it I had my hand wrapped around Liv’s throat and she was two feet off the ground. Her eyes widened, and she suddenly looked more human than I’d seen her since I came home to find out she’d become an evil motherfucker.

“Kelsey,” Casey began.

A whole lot of things hit me when Liv had finally poked a place that I couldn’t bounce back from. “Myrddin knows. You told him.”

I don’t know how the weeks had gone by and I thought our secret was still safe—that Lee Owens, the soul from the prophecy, lived inside Lee Donovan-Quinn’s body.

“Baby, I’m sorry. I thought you would know it had to be her.” Trent sat back as though I could kill Liv here and now and he wouldn’t be bothered at all.

Evan stood, Fenrir beside her, but they made no move to stop me.

Liv’s legs started to kick. “I didn’t mean to tell him. Not in the beginning. It’s…”

Myrddin knew. Myrddin understood Lee could kill him.

“Kelsey, this is something he’s known for a long time,” Gray said quietly. “You might need to blame me as much as Liv. I believe he actually heard the news from Lucifer. I am Lucifer’s focal point. There’s not much prophecy he can’t find when he filters it through my soul. It was years before Myrddin knew. I don’t like Olivia, but I do believe she kept the secret for a long time.”

“Until the veil was lifted from my eyes,” Liv spat back.

I let her drop.

I knew what she meant. Until Myrddin had taken a piece of her soul.
