Page 46 of The Rebel Witch

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He tugged his shirt over his head, and I couldn’t help but drool a little. The day had been stressful, and the idea of not having to think about anything but how hot my husbands were got my motor running.

Trent chuckled and then I felt his hands run under the shirt I wore, dragging it up and over. My muscles already felt loose and warm, so I simply moved with him, allowing him to lead. I felt his breath against my ear as he whispered to me. “See, he thinks this makes me submissive, but I’m only doing exactly what I want. Let him play his games. The truth is I like it when he gets bossy.”

I did, too. Sometimes the sex between Trent and I was primal and fast, and that was great, but I also liked to take my time. Gray forced us to do that, to revel in each other’s bodies and the pleasure we could share. I breathed in as he expertly removed my bra, and my breasts felt cool air. The whole space was built for sex, and I could practically feel the walls pulse with desire. There was a low light that contrasted with Gray’s skin in a way that made him almost luminous. His violet eyes flashed over me as Trent’s hands cupped my breasts, offering them up to Gray.

“I think most of my questions can go to you, Gray,” Trent said as he nuzzled my neck.

That was good because I didn’t think I could answer a bunch of questions right now. My brain felt fuzzy.

“Take off her pants and we’ll talk,” Gray offered, standing close to what looked like a bench, except it was inverted. Likely so someone’s ass would be in the air so someone else could smack it until the first person was so overwhelmingly aroused she couldn’t stand another second of the torture.

Me. That was me and Gray. Or rather it would be in a couple of minutes.

I sighed as Trent ran his tongue along the shell of my ear and his hands worked the button of my pants, fingers slipping under the waistband. “First of all, because our lovely wife is going to remember at the most inopportune time that she was worried about how our son would handle the Hell plane, I’ll give her a debrief on the last couple of hours. We ran and hunted, and he’s twelve kinds of tired out and sleeping in the room he’s sharing with Lee. I know. There are plenty of rooms, but he’s a wolf and he sleeps better with his pack near. They’re in a big suite with Evan’s room connected, and they’re close to Dean. I think Lee’s planning on staying up to watch over his friend. He’s nervous about Liv being close.”

Fen was okay. He’d had a good time, and he wouldn’t go moon crazy or something. Check. I could let that worry go. “Thank you.”

“Now you should answer Gray’s question and then you can stop thinking,” Trent promised. “He asked if you wanted him to send Casey away. We would miss his organizational skills, but if it makes you more comfortable, we’ll get by.”

There were problems with that scenario that went beyond the heist we were planning. “If you sent Casey away, he would have the right to take Liv with him, wouldn’t he? According to the rules which he suddenly seems really strict about.”

“I suspect that’s exactly what he would do if I tried to push him out,” Gray confirmed. “I think it’s better to keep them both here where we can monitor the situation. Let Casey deal with Liv for now. Do you believe he loves her?”

I did and I also knew that—despite what Liv had accused me of—Casey was smart and seemed to be a bit ruthless now. If he was right, he’d given me a way to rebond with Liv. Complaining about him. Complaining about overbearing men had been a go-to in our friendship.

Trent dragged the slacks I was wearing down my hips and I stepped out of them, leaving me wearing nothing but a pair of cotton undies that were kind of already soaked through because my pussy was in overdrive.

“I’ll let it be for now,” I agreed.

“Excellent.” Gray was standing a few feet from me. It was too far away. “Then what you should know, Trent, is that something that should have been harmless to Kelsey and I attacked us tonight. That’s the scent you caught. It was out in the garden, and we need to figure out who sent it.”

“Your fucking father.” Trent proved we were all on the same page.

“Almost certainly, but I have to figure out how he did it and who’s working with him,” Gray agreed. “But that is a problem for another day. Like how we’re going to steal from Lucifer Morningstar without him killing us in a particularly nasty way. Well, killing you. He can’t destroy me, but he’ll murder my whole family and then I’ll go insane.”

“I don’t suppose there’s any way you could talk him into it? It might be better if we negotiated.” Gray was Lucifer’s focus for a couple of weeks yet. He had to have some small power. What was a single feather really worth?

Trent’s fingers slipped inside the band of my undies, and my breath caught as they moved closer and closer to the place they needed to be.

“I could offer him more service,” Gray said.

And then I wasn’t thinking about sex anymore. I stepped away from Trent and pointed a finger Gray’s way.

“Absolutely not.” I wasn’t going to be the reason my husband lost his mind from time to time, because that’s what happened when one worked for Lucifer. He’d come out of it okay for the most part, but I knew what it cost him, and he wasn’t paying that price again. “You are almost out of that goddess damned contract, and I will not have it. I swear if you sign another contract we’re going to have trouble, Sloane.”

His eyes flashed fire. Like actual fire. It was only for a moment, and it probably should have scared me more than it did because I thought it was kind of hot. That momentary flame told me I’d gone way too far, and I was about to get everything I wanted.

“Remember she’s pregnant,” was all Trent said, his head shaking like I’d really put a foot in it this time.

“With Hell spawn,” Gray growled. “I assure you, she can take it.”

Then he picked me up and carted me off like a bag of flour, upending me so my whole view of the world was his muscular ass cheeks. As views go, pretty nice. Especially since that part of me that liked to give over and simply feel was anticipating what was about to happen.

I don’t cry as a general principle. It’s not that I think it’s a girly thing to do. I was raised by a man who thought if I was crying, he should give me something to cry about—despite the fact that he’d usually been the reason I was crying in the first place. My adoptive father was an abusive prick, and all his hate was focused on me, so I’d learned to shut down.

Gray had given me a safe way to unleash all those emotions, and they were trapped inside me in that moment.

What he was about to do would release them, and I would feel better, think better, when he was done.
