Page 47 of The Rebel Witch

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He manhandled me onto the spanking bench, laying me on my stomach. I found the armrests and where my shins met the warm, oddly soft leather.

That was the moment that soft leather became hands covering my wrists and ankles and holding me in a gentle but firm grip.

“What the hell.” I had not been expecting the bench to grow hands.

“Yes. Hell, baby. Did you think there wouldn’t be some fun things to do on the Hell plane?” Gray chuckled, but it was a sound of deep satisfaction. He really had me where he wanted me, and I couldn’t get out, couldn’t get away.

I liked it.

“Will it spank me, too?” There was no small amount of challenge in my question.

“No. That’s a job I relish. I wouldn’t give it to anyone else.” And then that big hand came down on my backside, the sound cracking through the playroom.

Pain hit me hard and fast. He hadn’t been playing with that one. He hadn’t been warming me up. He was pissed, and that smack to my ass proved it.

“You don’t talk to me that way in this room, Kelsey Jean.” Another hard smack. “I’m the king here. You rule everywhere else, but in here you will show me deference.”

I supposed I could have waited until exiting Gray’s pleasure palace to explain the way of the world to him, but I’d been riding high on emotion. And fear. “You want me to be okay with the fact that Lucifer gets to play around in your soul?”

Another hard smack. “Well, baby, if I didn’t, we would have absolutely no way into his realm. Have you thought of that? Have you thought about the fact that if I wasn’t Lucifer’s focus, getting close to his wings would be an impossibility.”

I wasn’t giving in on this. “We would have found a way.”

Three hard smacks and the tears were rolling down my cheeks. Something loosened inside me. I needed this. I needed this to be able to let out all the stress of the day. I couldn’t go out and run through the woods tracking down fluffy things and filling my gut. I didn’t get to run off my stress, though the impulse was certainly there. This made up for it. The pain heated my skin and flipped some switch deep inside me that turned it into something pleasant. Even the tears felt good, cleansing.

Gray’s hands wound into my hair, forcing my head up so I could look into his eyes. “What have you learned from this, Kelsey mine?”

“To wait until we’re outside of this room to enforce my will on you,” I replied.

Gray growled, an entirely sexy sound. “Trent, get the violet wand. It has a mind of its own, too, and I’m going to light you up, baby.”

“Absolutely not.” Trent had ditched his jeans, and his cock jutted up against his muscular stomach. “I am dying here, and I didn’t offend the lord of a Hell plane. Gray, you’re going hard core, and I’m here to soften you up. We agreed she could use a spanking, but the use of electricity on her pussy is going to have to wait until she’s no longer pregnant. She’s had a cry. Now she needs an orgasm.”

“Spoilsport,” Gray complained, but his hand was on the button of his slacks, and he shoved them off his body. His fangs were large in his mouth, and his horns had made a reappearance. They hooked over his silky dark hair, curving in a classic fashion.

He was one gloriously sexy demon.

“She didn’t cry much.” Gray put a hand on my head, stroking my hair. “I expected her to get emotional. She hasn’t since she got back.”

“Because I don’t need to. Because I know whatever happens we’ll get through it.” I hadn’t been entirely calm, but I didn’t feel the desperate need to act out that I would have in the past. I knew why. It was the same reason Grayson Sloane had relaxed and started being the family man he always wanted to be.

We were back together, and not a one of us had to face anything alone. We were back where we belonged, and it felt so fucking right.

“She lost it in Louisiana. I’m sorry you weren’t there to help her,” Trent explained. “It was the first time she saw me.”

Gray leaned over and kissed my cheek. “As long as she got it out. I’m glad you were there for her, love. Now, Kelsey Jean. I want you to suck our husband’s cock. You take him deep and, no, I’m not letting you out of this bench. Do you want to know how it’s holding you? I had my essence imbued in it. Those are my hands holding you, my flesh stroking yours. You are safe here.”

Safe to indulge in anything I liked, and damn, but I loved that cock coming at me. The hands that held me down seemed softer now. And there were a couple more of them. It was like getting the sexiest massage from about four Grays. My whole body relaxed as firm hands stroked across my arms and legs.

Then there was the real thing on my sensitive backside. “Take his cock, Kelsey. Then I’ll give you mine. You love this, don’t you? You love it when we’re both inside you.”

“I love it so much.” It was when I felt the safest, when I was with them both and I knew our son was sleeping somewhere close. There was nothing I wanted more than to settle into a boring, glorious life with these men. I wanted to watch my kids grow up. I’d been cheated out of that time with Fenrir, but it wasn’t happening again.

We were together, and we wouldn’t be apart again. Not if I could help it.

“And I love you,” Trent said before his hand sank into my hair and I settled my cheek against the bench. My wolf husband looked like he’d reached the end of his patience and likely wouldn’t allow me to lick and suck and play with him to my heart’s content.

Sure enough that cock invaded. I managed to whirl my tongue around him, loving his scent and taste and the way I could feel Gray, too. Now that he’d told me how the bench had been enchanted, I could feel his presence, the calluses on his hands, the way he liked to hold me down. My heart rate ticked up as I sucked Trent’s cock and felt Gray’s actual hands on my ass.
