Page 57 of The Rebel Witch

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“Evan will be all right. I’ll make sure of it,” Lee vowed.

“Of course she will be. Is she trying to stave off the change with king’s blood?” Lucifer sat straight up, his eyes flaring with recognition as he turned Gray’s way. “Is the princess on king’s blood? Does she take it so she remains young for her wolf king mate?”

“She takes it so she’s tougher to kill,” I replied. “If it matters so much, so do I.”

“And that is also why you can’t read Lee,” Gray pointed out. “He’s a king, like his father.”

Lucifer considered the prince. “Yes, it seems Donovan has much power. I suspect he’s busy getting ready to take back his crown. One of the reasons I came today was to explain my position in this war.”

“You’re with Myrddin.” I knew where he would stand.

Lucifer shuddered. “Not at all. Myrddin is a prick who thinks far too highly of himself.”

“But he’s planning on closing the doors to Heaven so you can take over the Earth plane,” I pointed out.

“Is he? I don’t see a closed door. In fact, the veil between Heaven and the Earth plane is thinner than it’s ever been,” Lucifer complained. “I’ve heard rumblings that a few of the celestial planes are bleeding into the magical planes.”

That had me sitting up straight and paying attention. “Like the attached Fae planes?”

“The very ones,” Lucifer confirmed. “Myrddin had twelve years to do what he promised he would do, and now, if I am correct, he no longer has the Sword of Light. You do, Lady Sloane.”

“He hasn’t had it in years. He stole it and the queen took it back. Gladys belongs to me.” I hoped he wasn’t about to ask me to take one for the infernal team because I wasn’t handing Gladys over. “She was given to me by the heavenly prophet Jacob.”

“Yes, he gave the sword to the Amazons long ago,” Lucifer agreed. “I take it you’ve figured out that piece of your history. Likely when you slew the angel Jude with the Sword of Light. Lucky queen. The king’s blood saved her from the sacrifice the sword requires. Yes, having the queen and her husbands back on the plane changes things. To answer your question, Lady Sloane, I am remaining neutral until such time as one group or the other gives me a reason to back them. I fear the balance shifted the minute the royals returned. The Heaven plane has always favored the queen. And you, Hunter. I heard rumor a Day helped you a little while ago.”

He was referencing the gnome who’d shown me how to find Sarah Day. Sarah was married to a fallen angel, and his family still gave us aid and shelter. Duffy was the newest of the angelic trio, and he represented faith. Angels came in trios, and they each represented an aspect of heavenly teaching. Duffy was faith, while Felicity Day was love and Oliver justice. “I think he found it interesting to reach out through the sword. He’s new and trying out his powers.”

“He might be new, but I assure you if he’s been assigned the role of faith, he takes his job seriously, and that means not giving Heaven another reason to meddle,” Lucifer explained. “You were only back on the plane for a few days when they helped out, and now my only view into the future is gone. Grayson, I’m sure you’ve concluded that I came because I can no longer call you. I needed you this morning and you did not hear my call.”

“Because my contract is fulfilled,” Gray said.

Lucifer sighed, a long-suffering sound. “Because of that damned clause. One of the visions you helped me consider aided in putting down what apparently could have become an actual rebellion. The satan judging the contract decided it was enough to wipe out the last three weeks of your service.”

“I’m glad I could help.” There was a calm smile on my husband’s face.

“I came hoping to get you to consider a new contract,” Lucifer said.

“Absolutely not.” I wanted this fucker out of my Hell McMansion as soon as possible.

“Lady Sloane, I’m hurt,” Lucifer purred. “But really, you must hear me out. There are reasons for your husband to maintain his position. It does bring me closer to the king, does it not?”

“Somehow I don’t think my father will like the idea of Lord Sloane helping you see the possible outcomes of this war,” Lee replied.

“Oh, I’ve seen the possible outcomes,” Lucifer assured us. “I need Lord Sloane to help me pick the likeliest of those and help me decide how to nudge along the ones I prefer. I’m in a fixed point in time here. I’ve mostly studied the ones that might have been, had your parents not returned. I assure you if I think the king will win, I’ll be a good ally.”

Lucifer was the definition of bad ally. “And if you decide the king most likely fails?”

“Then I have to figure out if that’s the outcome that will benefit me the most,” Lucifer admitted, and then pushed back from the table and stood. “Don’t answer me now, Lord Sloane. Think it over. I would be much more open to some of your clauses now that I know you’re about to be a father. Can’t have our little one raised by wolves now, can we? Less time with me, more perks for you. Think it over, and we’ll talk at the dinner I’m throwing. Bring your family. I find them amusing. I’m not sure about the date, but soon. I’ll send the invitation to Tix. And we should talk about the boy you have here. I can hear him screaming. Was he hit with an Uro spell?”

I felt my jaw drop.

Lucifer continued on, not waiting for an answer. “Yes, we should definitely talk about that because I’m really the only one who can help you, and I think you know it. See you soon.”

There was a puff of smoke and then brimstone hit my nose.

“Well, fuck,” Gray said, slumping back.

Yup. We were fucked.
