Page 83 of The Rebel Witch

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“Liv, you haven’t eaten. You’re not steady on your feet.”

I wasn’t, and he was right about the food, but I was protesting.

“Do you want me to force feed you, Olivia? Because I will.” He was so arrogant and gorgeous and irritating. “You choose.”

Sometimes malicious compliance is called for. I gave him my sweetest smile. In this case, his status as my husband was going to help me out instead of punishing me. No. I wouldn’t be the one punished.

It was also time for some confidence. “Tix cannot commit any act that could harm his master or his house.”

I walked around to the sofa across from Kelsey and Trent. The kids were sitting together closer to the fire, Evan on Fenrir’s lap and Puff on hers. Lee lounged in his chair looking like the brat prince he pretended to be.

Gray paced, moving to the door and back to the fireplace, over and over again. “The problem is the definition of the wordharm, but in this case, I do believe he will tell me the truth.”

“And then turn around and call his mom.” Kelsey had a small plate in her hand.

“Not if I order him not to,” Gray said with a sigh. “But it’s possible that there will be gossip, and she could find out that way. Our planes aren’t that far off. We share some specialized workers. They’re bound to talk. Of course those shared workers could be the way the hounds got on the plane. I seriously doubt Lilith brought them here herself.”

Casey sank to the seat beside me like it was his place. “Someone already knows. The house.”

Gray’s head came up. “The house?”

I looked over the tray, and there was more than cheese and crackers and some poppers. There were mini tacos, and what looked like pan-fried dumplings, and every kind of hot sauce a pregnant wolf could possibly want. There was Tabasco and Sriracha, and what looked like a chili oil for the dumplings. “I skipped breakfast. Would Eddie be offended?”

Kelsey frowned. “Why would Eddie be offended?”

“Because she tried to kill him a couple of times,” Trent said casually.

Guilt flashed through me along with guilt’s best friend, shame. “I never targeted Eddie. I’m sorry if he got caught in the cross fire. I wouldn’t try to take out Eddie. It would be like taking out a puppy.”

“But a puppy can’t teleport an army,” Evan pointed out, scratching Puff’s belly. “He’s always been a target for that alone. Albert’s a target, too. Albert has some important ties to the Hell plane. Not every demon here is all in on the take over the Earth plane plan.”

“Because that’s not…” Why should I bother arguing? I started to stand. “I’ll be up in my room.”

“Olivia, sit down and eat,” Trent said in that alpha wolf voice he rarely used.

I found myself sitting back down.

“Eddie won’t mind if I share with you.” Kelsey frowned. “Crap. Maybe we shouldn’t. I’m afraid I’m all about the hot sauce right now. Everything is infused with it.”

“I love a good hot sauce.” I didn’t. I’m kind of a wimp when it comes to hot sauce, but I knew someone who was worse, and it would be worth it.

“No, you don’t.” Casey sat up, his head swiveling around like he was looking for Eddie. “Let’s get you some pasta or a burger.”

I bet he would love that. I got my own plate and a couple of tacos that I poured some Cholula on. A lot of Cholula, actually.

“Why does it feel like something’s happening?” Fenrir asked. “Also, those tacos smell delish, and don’t tell me I shouldn’t have any. I had to give all those treats to the hellhounds. I didn’t even get one.”

“I don’t know, but I can feel Casey’s fear from here,” Lee replied, sitting up because we now had his attention.

“It’s not fear.” Casey’s jaw firmed. “Liv is welcome to eat whatever she likes, but she should remember how hot that sauce can be. She’s not a big spice lover. Sometimes the pepperonis on her pizza are too spicy.”

“You should allow that twelve years apart can change a girl’s tastes,” I said, putting that taco to my lips. The scent hit first, opening my sinuses. Yeah, this was going to hurt.

“If Casey can taste the food she eats,” Evan began, “would he feel that burn from the hot sauce?”

I bit down and let it flow over my tongue. The burn was instant.

“Motherfucker.” Casey stood, and then he was the one who was pacing.
