Page 99 of The Rebel Witch

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I did, too. I wondered if she’d had a choice at all.

“Having that piece of her soul back will help enormously,” Gray pointed out. “I’ve been studying up, and I believe being apart from that piece of her soul is what’s holding her back. From everything, really. I would know more if I knew exactly what piece and how much Myrddin took.”

“I can tell you what piece. He took away her basic emotions.” It had been hard to watch her this morning. She’d looked so lost, like she’d wanted to feel but simply couldn’t. “He took away her love and affection. He left her with only one. Rage.”

“I disagree. I think he left her with fear, too. But he did take away her guilt and pain,” Casey added. “He took away what she felt from that night in Wyoming. It’s why she’s afraid to try to get it back. Even if we do manage to find it and bring it back to her, what happens if she won’t accept it? That’s what I’m afraid of.”

“The soul needs to be complete,” Gray replied. “If we release it close to Liv, it’ll find its way back in whether she wants it or not.”

“Oh, I’ll hold her down if I have to,” Casey said with pure will. “I’m sick of that asshole having control over her. I want my wife back.”

“You know you’ll have to deal with the real Liv if she gets her soul back, and she might not be happy to find out she’s married.” I knew my bestie. “She’s always wanted a nice wedding, not some hasty ‘vampire take my blood and oops, we’re married’ thing.”

“We’ve had zero luck figuring out where Myrddin’s hiding it,” Lee said with a frown. “Evan, Fen, and I spent some time at the night market asking around.”

“I think that should be my job,” I pointed out.

Gray’s eyes narrowed. “You are pregnant and on a Hell plane.”

“I thought I would be safe.” I didn’t like the kids out there doing my job.

“You should be, and yet we’ve had two attempts on your life,” Gray countered.

“We don’t know it was me they were coming after,” I argued. “After all, no one outside this house really knew I was coming, and you’ve stated plainly no one inside this house can hurt me.”

“No one living in this house can, but they can certainly talk.” Casey walked over to the mantel, seeming to warm himself at the fire going there. Academics enjoyed physical sensations more than most vampires. Casey wouldn’t actually be cold, but he might like the feel of warmth on his skin. “I think we have to consider Lilith our prime suspect. The question is why would she do it? What does she gain?”

“We need to find Gray’s father.” I’d been trying to figure out where the bastard had gone. “We know he was demoted and worked for a time in another house, but I don’t think he’s there anymore.”

“He’s a rogue,” Lee explained. “I’m trying to find him. And I don’t think anyone will talk to you down here. You’re Lady Sloane. The demons I met would freak out if you showed up in the middle of a night market.”

“I could go undercover.” Sitting in this house was starting to make me crazy. Especially since I was almost sure the house was watching me. It was creepy at times. All in all, I was ready to get back to Frelsi where no one expected me to wear jewelry made of bones. I didn’t want people to not talk to me because they considered me far above them. I wanted them to talk to me because they knew I could kill them if they didn’t. If you asked me to choose between being the high-and-mighty lady of the manor and that bitch everyone is scared of, I knew which way I was going.

“Everyone knows who you are,” Gray said with a chuckle. “Baby, come here.”

I moved around his desk and settled myself on his lap. I didn’t handle change well. I’d managed to keep my shit together when it came to losing twelve years with my family, but I wondered if I was chafing at the new restrictions that came with pregnancy and being the lady of Gray’s manor.

Gray’s arm went around my waist. “Kelsey mine, they all know who you are. There is no one in this land who doesn’t know who their lady is. I know you want to be out there kicking ass, but it’s better if the kids do it. Trent is doing a great job, and even Liv is helping.”

“Yeah, I still don’t understand what happened there. Why would the house want to separate Liv and Casey?” I asked.

Casey got a grumpy look on his face. “I don’t understand that either. It really didn’t want me to follow her. I thought it couldn’t physically move things.”

“Oh, it moves all the time, but it’s almost always helpful.” Gray kissed my neck, breathing me in. He played with the clasp on the necklace I wore. It was large and not daywear, but I still had it around my neck. I didn’t want to take it off. I’d gotten used to it. It felt like it was…mine. “I tried to rearrange some furniture, but it kept going back to the way it was. I finally realized that where the couch was there was a small hole through which these rodents could get through, and they like to eat everything. Once I fixed that sucker, the house put everything back the way I wanted it. So I don’t know why it didn’t want Casey up there, but I’m sure there was a reason. And we figured out the brand, so I’m calling it a win.”

“The house wanted us to figure out the connection to Lilith,” Lee mused. “I’m surprised it knows so much.”

“It’s a mystery,” Gray agreed, but it was so obvious his attention was all on me. The lord of the manor was horny and getting increasingly impatient.

Lee sighed and stood as though he knew damn well when he wasn’t wanted because the olds were about to get frisky. “I’m going to find Evan and Fen. I’m worried about her. I don’t like the fact that she changed up our plan. It’s not like her.”

“She’s afraid of what’s going to happen,” I said as I looked Lee’s way.

“But what’s going to happen will happen whether she takes some herbs or not,” Lee replied.

Casey moved beside him. “Maybe we should look into that, too. I’ll go with Lee. We’ve got another couple of days before we can leave. We might as well ask around since we don’t seem to be having a lot of luck finding Liv’s soul.”

They shuffled out, and I was left with my horny hubby.
