Page 44 of Brazen Indulgences

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I glanced around and nodded. I wasn’t wearing shoes, so it wasn’t like sliding in heels, but I wasdrippingsweat, so that was fair. “Thanks, I didn’t notice.” I wanted to roll my eyes when she was shocked I said something.Iwasn’t the bitch in all of this.

She was.

Or did no one ever thank her when she actually did her job and protected her people? They all seemed really tight with her, so I found that surprising.

Except they weren’t. I overheard a few laughing in the dressing room once we were closed how pathetic Lisa was dripping with jealousy at how good I was. Then I caught more outside in the parking lot, a few of the dancers telling security while they were escorted to their vehicles.

It seemed security didn’t like Lisa either… But at least dealing with one stupid demon was better than a whole bunch of them.

So Lisa cut off her nose to spite her face. She was making it so other demons didn’t want to work at that club so she could get her kickbacks, but then no one was having her back. Fool. Absolute fool.

And yes, she was getting kickbacks. I was able to confirm it that night while I was on the stage for so long. Instead of depositing tips into our envelopes, I saw several dancers hand her a cutwhile she watched me, and they pocketed the rest.

Honestly, we didn’t need the undercover party anymore, but I wanted to see what else they could pick up on and fill in the rest of the blanks if possible. Plus, they were all kind of excited as if they were playing James Bond for a night.

I couldn’t take that away from them.

I also needed the laughs, and I was pretty sure there would be stories from that night coming out for a while.


Mason was waiting for me when I got home, and there was so much swirling around him that I was instantly on alert. He stormed over to me and slid his hand in my hair so he was cupping my head before kissing me in a way I wasn’t sure he had before.


I moaned as he devoured my lips, making it clear that I was his.

“You were so beautiful that I hated anyone else seeing you that way,” he whispered before brushing his lips over mine. “I’m trying. I’m trying hard, muffin.”

“I know. Tell me what you need.”

That got me another hot kiss full of promise more than laying his claim. “I want to see what you do in those private rooms. That’s why—it upsets me the most.”

“Watch the accusations,” I warned. “You having trouble with this doesn’t mean I do anything wrong.”

“No, I didn’t mean it that way.” He let me go and stepped away, scrubbing his hand over his head and giving me a serious look before turning away. He grabbed a chair from the kitchen table and moved it to the living room so I had lots of room. “Give me my first lap dance, Jasmine.”

“Wait—what?” I set down my bag and everything I had in my hands and moved closer to him.

He nodded and plopped down on the chair. “I don’t know because I’ve never been to a strip club before tonight. I don’t… It’s not my thing. Until you. All I know is from movies. And what sexist assholes who hate women and demean them say. Warlocks.” The look he gave me begged me to help him.

“You have no idea how fucking hot I am that I’m your first,” I admitted, nodding when he couldn’t hide his shock. “I have a few backup costumes at my apartment in case something rips and I need to grab something. I’ve never worn them. How about I bring them here and you can pick what I wear?”

“Thank you, Jasmine,” he whispered, taking off his glasses and wiping his eyes. “I’m so scared I can’t move past this and will lose you. I thought it wouldn’t matter because you went undercover and it wasn’t day in and day out. I hate how I’m being and—”

I went over to him and kissed him quiet. “Ease up, Mason. You’re making this bigger than it is. I promise. We’re talking and we’ll do it together. I got so upset because you just did whatever to make your point and it hurt me. You want to give me kisses like that after I dance, fuck, do it. If you want to demand attention after I give it to other men—do it. We can figure this out.”

“I’m going to fall in love with you before you’re ready,” he warned.

Which I was pretty sure was his way of saying he was already there.

I wasn’t sure it was before I was ready as I seemed to be there right with him.

Wow, that was quite the change from the way I used to be.

I quickly ducked into my apartment before coming back. I held up the options for him. These weren’t themed costumes like I normally had to match songs and sets. These were fillers that could work for anything.

“This,” he decided as he touched the fabric. “Fuck, I want to see you in this.”
