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His eyes widened. “When you say ‘guys like me’… You think my mind’s on sex?”

I hadn’t said that, but it was what I meant. When he called those women “girls,” I assumed he’d taken them for inexperienced young women and marked them off the list of possibilities. Then he’d moved on to someone closer to his age. Even if that woman was twenty-five or twenty-six, he’d expect her to know her way around a man’s body. That was one thing I definitely did not know.

“I went to an all-girls school,” I said. “I’ve lived a very sheltered life. We were taught sex was for marriage. Even touching ourselves was a sin. It was something to feel guilty about.”

He was staring at me now. I wondered if he was even breathing. My words had frozen him. Why was I telling him all this, anyway? I was there to teach bartending, not discuss my love life—or total lack of one.

“You’ve never been with a man,” he said.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. Really, we shouldn’t be discussing this.

But when my eyes popped open, he leaned forward and said, “You do touch yourself, though.”

All the air seemed to have been sucked from my lungs. That was something I’d never discussed with anyone, not even my closest friends. We didn’t talk about it. It was something to be embarrassed about. Something to do under covers in the dark, where no one could see you.

“I have,” I said. “I do sometimes.”

Sometimes. Ha! These days, it was at least a few times a week. I’d imagine a sexy man hovering over me, his fingers inside me. Sometimes, I’d even fantasize that man was between my legs, gliding over me with his tongue the way my fingers were. It brought me to orgasm like nothing else.

“Show me,” Bo said.

He meant it. The look in his eyes made that clear. I couldn’t seem to break our stare, but what I wanted to do was look around and point out where we were.

“Here?” I somehow managed to ask. “Now?”

“If it helps, I’ll get undressed.”

He waited a long moment, as though he wanted to see if I changed my mind. I didn’t dare move—or breathe. I just stared at him, my heart pounding so hard against my chest, I was sure he could hear it.

Finally, he pushed himself to his feet and scooted the chair back. Then he closed the door, leaving us alone in a room not much bigger than a walk-in closet.

Taking only a few steps away from the door, he grabbed the hem of his shirt and tugged it over his head, tossing it to the floor. Then he reached for his belt.

I was still staring at his chest, though. His arms looked like something out of a magazine. Every muscle was toned, every ab defined. I’d never wanted to touch anything or anyone as much as I did him right then.

He whipped off his belt and tossed it to the floor, then reached for the fastening of his jeans. I, meanwhile, hadn’t moved an inch. Should I be undressing now? It was too bright in here. The only light came from a tiny lamp on the desk, but still, I’d be too shy even with just that.

When his jeans came down, I thought I might lose it right then and there. He wore red boxer shorts with white polka dots. They were absolutely adorable.

He stepped out of his shoes, socks, and jeans, then seemed to notice me staring. He followed my gaze to his underwear.

“They were a gift,” he said. “I swear.”

I wanted to smile, but I couldn’t seem to move a muscle, especially when he hitched a thumb under the waistband of his boxer shorts. I waited, holding my breath. I’d never seen a man naked in person before, and I had a feeling if I had, it wouldn’t come close to what I was about to see now.

Suddenly, though, he removed his thumb from the waistband and walked over to the chair, boxers still in place. He plopped down on the chair, leaning forward and gesturing toward me.

“You go,” he said.

He probably didn’t realize it, but there was a hole in the front of his boxers that I could see right through. It gave just a hint of what lay beneath. I couldn’t help it. I blushed.

“I’ve never been naked in front of a man before,” I admitted.

May as well get it all out in the open. This was all new to me.

“Maybe I should turn out this light,” I said.

That would make the room pitch dark. It was an absurd request, so it didn’t surprise me when he adamantly shook his head.
