Page 102 of Broken Soul

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“I’ll never forget you, Chop.” She smiles at him as she drops his limp dick on the floor in front of him and laughs as she backs away from him.

“You got anythin’ you get off your chest, Grimm?” Prez asks.

“No, I’ll do what I wanna do to him when he’s dead.” He looks at Chop as he speaks, with a sinister look in his eyes.

“That dick’s goin’ up his ass, ain’t it?” Squealer looks between him and the blood-covered cock that’s lying on the floor.

“It might, right before I sew it inside his mouth.” Grimm wraps his arm around Rogue’s neck and kisses her cheek, waiting for whatever comes next.

When Prez steps in front of my brother he studies him hard, like he’s absorbing every ounce of his suffering.

“Well, will you look at this? The man who tried to ruin my club.” He chuckles to himself. “Take a look around you, Tobias Saunders, tell me what you see.” I don’t think my brother’s even capable of words. His body’s been in and outta shock for a while now, he’s barely conscious. I don’t think there’s much more he can withstand.

Prez grabs the back of his head and forces it back up so he can look at everyone around him. “What you see arerealmen, who fight for what they believe in and protect the ones they love. You see a fuckin’ brotherhood. You know what we see when we look at you…? Failure. You killed my best friend and you tried to ruin somethin’ I’ve put my heart and soul into buildin’ and look where it got ya, Chop. I could lay into you some more. Draw more blood, but I don’t need to, because knowin’ what I just told ya is painful enough.” Prez laughs at him as he turns to face me.

“He’s all fuckin’ yours.” He shakes his head at me.

I feel a tug of pain as I step up in front of him. This is the moment, the bittersweet end. I pull the knife that Chop used to kill his own son outta my back pocket and grip the front of his hair in my fist as I hold it in front of him.

“This blade still has your son’s blood on it,” I tell him as I examine it myself. “I don’t know where it all went wrong for you, but I know it’s down to me to make it right.”

“Mom will be… so… pr-oud.” He attempts to throw one last taunt at me, even in his dying state, and it makes me think about her for a while. It also makes me think about Carly, Tommy, and all of those who came before him.

“Mom will understand,” I tell him.

Gripping the handle of the knife tight in my fist, I use all the strength I got left inside my body to force the blade of it up under his chin. I hold him still as his body jerks against the knife, his blood gushing from his mouth and nose, his eyes looking like they’ll pop from his skull. Then leaving the knife stuck inside him, I take a step back and slump onto the ground, running my bloody hand over my face and feeling numb.

All the anger has released from my body exactly how I expected, what I wasn’t expecting was the overwhelming sadness. I never wanted it to come to this, and now that he’s hanging dead in front of me, all I can remember are the good times. Like when he taught me how to ride a bike and when he beat up the kid who told me my sneakers were shit on my first day of high school.

One by one, my brothers grip my shoulder on their way out the door. Rogue kneels down to kiss my cheek before Grimm leads her out and leaves me alone with Jessie.

“You good, brother?” he checks.

“No,” I admit, knowing that it’s pointless trying to lie to him.

“You want me to stay here with ya a while?”

“No, I’d like a little time alone,” I tell him, holding in my tears

“You did what ya had to do. He was too dangerous to let live,” Jess tells me.

“I know.” That’s the part that hurts.

“I’ll leave ya to it. You know where you’ll find me.” Jessie takes the shoulder of my cut and squeezes real hard, and I grab his wrist and hold it tight to let him know I appreciate him.

I wait ‘til my tears are all cried out before I wipe my eyes and take the phone outta my pocket. I scroll to the number I need and take a brave breath before I hit call.

“Tristan.” She sounds so happy to hear from me, so happy that it fuckin’ chokes me.

“Mom, we need to talk.” I drop my head into the palm of my hand and unleash five years of pain on her, hoping she has it in her heart to forgive me.

Ifeel his beard tickle my cheek and his lips press against my temple. His fresh piney scent fills my airways and encourages me to open my eyes.

“Hey.” I smile up at him.

“You okay?” He smiles at me sadly when I nod back at him. His hair is still wet from the shower he must have taken before he got here, and he looks drained.

“Is he okay?” His huge hand strokes affectionately over Charlie’s back who is still fast asleep in my arms.
