Page 22 of Broken Soul

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“Yeah, and d’ya also remember who those wannabe gangsters sold some of that supply onto?” I ask, keeping this conversation on point.

“Yeah, I remember.” Thorne nods his head. “Some weird-ass cult out near Oak Creek. Those fuckers were bat-shit fucking crazy.”

“Well, those weird-ass, crazy fuckers are after Addison and her kid.” I bring them up to speed and watch their faces turn to shock.

“How come I don’t remember any of this?” Nyx rests back on his chair and folds his arms.

“You were locked up in county for smashin’ Luke Robinson’s head into a curb.” His brother Brax reminds him with a very straight and serious face.

“Remind me again why we didn’t storm in there and get the Russians part of their supply back?” Troj knits his brows together thoughtfully.

“It was only a few AKs, nothin’ worth losin’ your life over. The Russians were happy with what we’d managed to recover and for how we dealt with the people who stole from them,” Jessie answers.

“They that dangerous?” Storm looks confused.

“No, just some dirty, old perverts who label themselves as fuckin’ messiahs so they can get their dicks polished every day of the week,” Thorne explains. “What Jessie meant was the lengths those messiahs go to to protect that little, ideal world they’ve created for themselves. They got their whole perimeter rigged with enough C4 to blow up Manitou Springs.”

“What?” Hayden sits forward and stares at his uncle like he doesn’t believe him. “Don’t these kinda places have women and kids livin’ there?” he checks.

“Yep, like I said, crazy-assed fuckers.” Squealer shrugs before lighting up the blunt he has between his fingers.

“Is that where she came from?” Jessie asks me, looking real fuckin’ serious.

“Yeah, she escaped when she found out she was pregnant. I met her when I was helpin’ out at Carly’s old church.”

“That was years ago, how come this is the first time we’re hearin’ about her?” Storm asks.

“It ain’t,” Troj speaks up. “Few of us helped Skid get that house fixed up, ready for her before she had the kid. You said it was somethin’ to do with the church.” He turns his attention to me.

“Whether it was for the church or not, she was a girl in trouble and she needed our help.”

“Don’t look like much has changed.” Prez sniggers as he stubs out his cigar into the ashtray.

“A lot’s changed.” I hang my head before I make my confession. “I let her down when she needed me the most, and this is how I’m gonna make it up to her. I’m aware that a war on them could become a war on us, and I wanted to let you guys know that I’ll act alone if I have to. But Iwillbe actin’. I won’t sit back and wait for them to find her. I won’t have her too scared to send her little boy to school. I will find the man who wants to take her back there and I will kill him, along with any other man who don’t get the message that she ain’t theirs no more.”

“And who said chivalry was dead?” Squealer laughs.

“I’m being fuckin’ serious.” I turn my head to look at him. There’s a time and a place for his kinda humor, and now ain’t one of ‘em.

“Oh, I know ya fuckin’ are, and you’re also fuckin’ stupid if you think any man around this table is gonna let you act alone. Do ya not understand the all-for-one and one-for-all shit we all got goin’ on here? We all know how the story goes, ya save the girl, she gets added to the group chat and we all live happily ever after.” He winks back at me

“That’s not how this one goes, I’m helpin’ her but there ain’t nothin’ between us.” I make sure that part stands out.

“I don’t believe you,” the smart bastard leans over Grimm and whispers loud enough for the whole damn table to hear.

“It don’t matter who she is to ya, if you need our help on this, you got it. Though I ain’t too happy about the C4 situation,” Prez admits.

“Well, there is somethin’ you could do about that.” Brax reaches across the table and takes the blunt Squealer’s offering, savoring it as he tokes back real hard. Since Grace has been pregnant he’s cut out smoking around her completely, and we all know how much he’s missing it.

“If you’re thinkin’ ‘bout Tripp, he’s retired.” Prez looks at him.

“Then drag the old boy outta retirement.” Brax shrugs.

“Who the hell’s Tripp?” Hayden asks, looking confused.

“One of Vex’s old military buddies, he went on to become a S.E.A.L. Never wore the cut but he’s a friend of the club. He’s a miserable fucker, but he’s a useful one. There ain’t nothin’ he don’t know about explosives,” Jessie explains, looking impressed with Brax’s suggestion.

“Vex knows how to contact him. Someone’s gonna have to ride up to his mountain and let him know we wanna get hold of him. I’d go myself but I ain’t leavin’ Gracie for that amount of time.”
