Page 23 of Broken Soul

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“I got it.” Prez nods his head. “I ain’t seen the old fucker for a while. I’ll enjoy catching up with him. Plus, Troj and I have a few more Charters to visit before we can get things moving on Cliff.”

“I’d appreciate that,” I speak to everyone.

“Good, that settles it. If we can get Tripp on board, we’re going in, if we can’t, then we find another way. I ain’t being responsible for the deaths of a village full of women and kids, and I certainly ain’t bein’ held accountable for the deaths of any of you. Your old ladies would gut me from my bollocks to my eyeballs. In the meantime, you find out all you can from the girl about what we’re walkin’ into,” Prez orders, and I nod my head, grateful for his support.

“What about Chop?” Brax asks the question I should be askin’. That’s the good thing about having Addison back in my life, she’s a distraction.

“Maddy and Alex are workin’ hard at it. They’ve called every local hospital, searched all the police records. Nothin’,” Jessie explains, looking deflated.

“I hope the fucker bled out, slowly.” Troj cracks his knuckles.

“I don’t. If he’s already dead it means I don’t get to kill him,” I point out.

“It’s good to see you sitting up.” The nurse who reminds me of Carly is back on shift again and as she breezes into my room with that pretty smile on her face, I realize it’s the one thing I’ve been looking forward to.

“I’m feelin’ stronger, I should be ready to leave soon,” I tell her.

“Don’t be silly, it’s only been a few days, and you still haven’t got your memory back. We have a duty of care to see that you’re safe before you can be discharged.” She picks up her clipboard and checks my stats, and as I watch her work I let myself wonder what it would be like to fuck her deep and fuckin’ raw. I ain’t stuck my dick in anything other than cheap whore pussy lately, and once you've had one of ‘em, you’ve pretty much had ‘em, all. I much prefer a challenge, and this sweet, caring woman seems a lot like one.

“Someone from the police department should be out to speak to you soon, they would have been out sooner but they’re kinda busy and you aren’t an emergency, I’m afraid. Not while we’re taking care of you.”

“It’s fine, I don’t need to speak to anyone. I’m sure my memory will come back to me.” Last thing I want is the law sniffing around here. It’s a brutal reminder of the fact I’m gonna have to hurry up and move on.

“You’ve been through a lot.” She gives me that bossy stare that looks sexy as hell on her, and I don’t care how weak my body is, I’d find the energy to bend her over this bed and fill her pussy. I’ll bet she’s never had a man like me before. I can tell that just from lookin’ at her. I ain’t her type. She’s a wine-and-dine kinda woman, one who likes to be made a fuss outta.

“You got yourself a husband, Nurse McHenry?” I make small talk with her as she fluffs my pillows.

“I don’t, actually. I just got out of a fifteen-year relationship.”

“That sounds heavy. What happened?”

“That’s not relevant to your recovery.” She smiles.

“It’s essential, if my mind is busy tryin’ to figure what kinda fool would let a woman like you get away, then I can’t focus on remembering what happened to me,” I tell her cleverly, and when she rolls her eyes and smiles I know I’ve won.

“If you must know, he cheated.” She blushes as she fills up my glass from the jug and hands me it to drink.

“I don’t believe you.”

“Well, it’s true.”

“I don’t believe that any man who had a woman like you would do a thing to jeopardize it.” I watch that flush in her cheeks turn even redder.

“Well, at least we’ve figured out one thing about you, you're a charmer.” She smirks at me before placing down the jug and heading out the door.

“I’ll tell you what else I am…” My words have her pausing and turning around, the playful smile on her face confirming that despite my injuries, there ain’t fuck all wrong with my dick. “I’m a go-getter. If I want somethin’, guaranteed I’ll get it,” I warn.

Making her and the docs buy my story about having no memory was the only thing I could think of to buy me some time. I was being honest when I told them I couldn’t remember who saved me, though. That’s still puzzling me.

“You made that sound like a promise.” She raises her eyebrows at me seductively before she leaves me alone with a memory of the one thing I didn’t go after. The one selfless thing I ever did that blew right up in my face.

“You ever gonna order anything different when you come in here?” Carly places the plate of blueberry pancakes in front of me.

“Someone once told me they were the best,” I tell her, appreciating the way the colors in her eyes blend together like a kaleidoscope.

She is, without doubt, the most beautiful female I’ve ever seen, and she’s got the personality to match. I’ve been coming in here for over six months now, I tried to stay away but it didn’t work. seeing her may be torture but I’m a big boy. I can take it. I never wear my cut when I come here. I like that, in her eyes, I’m a good man. My conscience is clean, and the people I’ve killed never had to have existed in the first place.

I look at the couple in the corner of the diner who are staring at each other lovingly across the table, letting myself imagine that it could be us. Those kinda thoughts always hurt, because I know it can only ever be a fantasy. I may pretend to be someone else when I’m around her, but I can’t lie to myself. I’m saving this pretty, intelligent girl from a cursed life because I know if I had her I’d never let her go. Time with me would take its toll. I’d rot her soul from the inside out and make it as black as mine. So, you can see where my problem is. Seeing her every day may hurt, but it’s the kinda pain you just keep on coming back for more of.
