Page 47 of Broken Soul

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She looks just as shocked by my words as I am.

“You don’t mean that.” She shakes her head like she’s in some kind of denial.

“Yes, I do.” I grab her face when she tries to look away from me.

“I love you. I loved you back then but I was too afraid and I felt guilty for it. But I’m not scared anymore, and you can’t be either. Don’t push me away, don’t let that sick fuck back inside your head.” I feel the tension in my fingers as I grip her cheeks. “Don’t be afraid of this.” I hear the desperation in my voice,feelit in my chest, scraping me fuckin’ hollow.

“I am afraid. I’m sofuckingafraid, Skid.”

Fresh tears spill from her eyes and fall through my fingers and when I have no idea how to make them stop, I slam my mouth over hers and kiss her instead. Her arms wrap around my neck and make it a little easier for me to breathe. I kiss her deeper, dropping my hands from her face and using them to force her skirt up over her hips.

Pushing down my jeans, I lift Addison off her feet and hook her legs around my waist. My hand reaches under her skirt and I hook her panties to one side so I can line myself up with her entrance. Then bracing my hand against the wall behind her, I enter her in one long thrust that makes us both sigh in relief.

I love how her nails scratch into my neck as I give her every fuckin’ piece of me. We can’t let our pasts ruin what we could have, I won’t let it. I made a decision and now I’m all in. There’s no going back now. I will prove to this woman that she ain’t no replacement. She’s my hope for the future, she’s the end of my suffering, and I will protect her at every cost.

“Say it again,” she whispers against my ear as her pussy tightens around my cock.

“I love you,” I growl, thrusting harder and faster inside her.

“I love you too.” This time, it’s her who grabsmyface, making sure I see the vulnerability in her eyes as she stares right into my broken soul.

“You have the ability to destroy me,” she tells me, her bottom lip trembling.

“I won’t hurt you, Ads. This is for keeps,” I assure her, dragging us away from the wall and carefully carrying her over to the couch with my jeans still gathered around my ankles.

I sit back and keep her straddled on my lap, watching as she rests her palms on my chest to support herself while she rides my cock. I guide her hips with my hands, digging my fingertips into her skin and savoring every second of how good it feels to be inside her.

Her body turns a little rigid and her head falls back when she comes for the second time tonight. Reaching up my hand, I rest it around her pretty, little neck as she falls apart. I squeeze her as I come myself, maybe a little tighter than I should, but she doesn’t seem to mind. In fact, the way she moans suggests that she likes it. When we’re both finished, her body flops on top of mine and I wrap my arms around her so tight I feel her heartbeat thump against my chest.

“You ain’t ever gonna live in anyone’s shadow. Every day I’m with you, you guide me a little more outta the dark.” I scrunch her hair in my hands as I kiss the top of her head that's buried into my neck, and the contented little sigh she makes lets me know she believes that everything’s gonna be okay.

Now all I gotta do is make sure that it is.

Escaping the hospital wasn’t hard, not many of the care providers who work there are as tentative as Jenna. Getting out of there without being noticed was far too easy. Getting here to 23 Blossom Avenue wasnot.

I didn’t anticipate Jenna’s house being so far away from the hospital, and traveling here on foot was a tough reminder of how weak I still am. The sweat is pouring outta me, soaking through the blood-stained tee that I found in the plastic bag of my personal belongings they had stored in the cabinet beside my bed. I can feel the wound on my side weeping and when I press my hand over it, I see that the blood has soaked through the fabric.

Each step I take makes me a little more breathless. It’s a good thing determination has always been my strong point. I manage to make it to Nurse Jenna’s address a little before sunrise. Now, all I have to do is make sure she takes pity on me.

I hobble up to her front door, leaning on its frame when I start to feel dizzy. My finger leaves a bloody print on the doorbell when I press it, and the hard thump I make against the door with my fist makes my head pound even more. Jenna doesn’t answer straight away. Why would she? It’s the ass-crack of fuckin’ dawn. But for each second she keeps me waiting, I feel the strength drain outta me a little more.

Jenna is still wiping the sleep from her eyes when she answers the door. I’m not in too much pain to appreciate how hot she looks in just a vest and a pair of shorts that ride real high up her thighs. When her senses finally come to her and she realizes that I’m here, standing on her fuckin’ doorstep, she suddenly looks unnerved.

“Michael?” She shakes her head in confusion and I quickly slam my sticky, blood-stained hand over her mouth, forcing her back inside before she can cause a scene. It may be early, but this is still a busy neighborhood and I’ve exposed myself enough already.

“Michael,” she muffles the fake name I gave her against my palm as I kick the door shut behind me and force her up against her pristine white walls.

The place is much bigger than I expected, the hall is huge, and Jenna clearly has expensive taste.

“I’m not gonna hurt ya. Please don’t think I would.” I find acting so much easier when I’m desperate. “I’m here because I need your help,” I plead. “I’ll let you go, just promise me you won’t scream.”

I wait for her to nod her head at me before I slide my hand away from her mouth and take a step back. My bloody finger-stains look good on her skin. It makes her look tainted and dirty standing against those pristine walls.

“Michael, what happened? Why aren’t you at the hospital? How did you even know where to find me?”

“I’ll explain all that. I promise. I just need to know that I can trust you. I’m not safe at the hospital. I can’t let the police find me.”

Now Jennareallylooks worried, and terror looks so pretty in her eyes that it distracts me from the pain I’m in.
