Page 54 of Broken Soul

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“Holy fuck!” I drop the spatula from my hand and as I rush toward her, I have to shoo Duke outta the way when he starts trying to lick up the mess she’s made on the floor.

“I think that was my—”

“It definitely was.” I nod my head, suddenly feeling sick. This is actually happening. It’s happening right now and I need to pull myself together.

“Does it hurt?” I stroke her back when she leans over the table and tenses up her body.

“What do you think?” Her eyes are wild when she flicks her head back to look at me.

“I’m sorry. I’ll get the bag.” I scoot across the floor to grab the bag that Gracie has packed, repacked, and then packed again, all while trying to remember what we got taught in those stupid fuckin’ classes she made us take.

“Duke, get out the way.” I drag him over to the couch to give her some space when he starts whining. He knows something’s up and he don’t like it.

“Just breathe, darlin’. We got this. I got the route to the hospital all planned out. We’ll be there in no time,” I promise, hating how scared she looks as she nods back at me. “Come on then.” I slide the bag onto my shoulder and guide her out the door toward the car, slamming the front door behind me and feeling really overwhelmed when I consider that the next time I step through it, I’ll be someone’s dad.

* * *

“Oh my god!” Gracie presses her hands on the dash as another contraction hits her. I’ve been timing them in my head and they’re gettin’ real close together now. I’m slightly panicked by the fact that we’re still a good twenty minutes from the fuckin’ hospital.

“You’re gonna be alright, Gracie.” I take one arm off the wheel so I can stroke her thigh.

“I’m scared, what if we don’t make it? Brax, these contractions are really fuckin’ strong.”

“We’re gonna make it, don’t panic. Okay…? You’ve gotta stay calm and do all that breathin’ shit you learned.”

“Breathing is not gonna make the pain stop,” she growls at me in between her heavy breaths and moans. I try not to get more panicked myself and focus on the road. Which is when I see what’s in front of us, and have to try a whole lot harder to rein that panic in.

“What the fuck isthat, Brax?” Gracie sounds alarmed as she stares at the same thing I am and confirms I ain’t imagining it.

“That’s a tree, darlin’.” I pull the car to a stop in the middle of the road.

“I see that it’s a fuckin’ tree, but what’s it doing blocking the ro…aaahhh!” She gets cut off by another pain and while she suffers through it, I try and figure out what the fuck I’m gonna do about this.

“Okay, I’m gonna fix this,” I assure her, kneading her shoulder while she crouches forward and rests her forehead on the dash. “Just stay calm for me.” I get out the car and head for the huge, thick trunk that’s fallen all the way across the road.

I can’t get my head straight. I can feel the frustration inside me about to erupt and I can’t let it, not here, not while Gracie needs me. I could turn around and take the other route to the hospital but that’s gonna take over an hour. I don’t think we’ve got a fuckin’ hour. What I need right now is fuckin’ Jesus.

The sound of an engine comes from behind me, and when I turn around, it ain’t Jesus I see. It ain’t even fuckin’ close.

“What you folks doin’ out here so early?” Squealer cuts his engine and slides off his saddle.

“Brax!” Gracie screams at me from the car where she’s somehow got herself out and is leaning over the hood.

“Shit!” Squealer must realize the situation we’re in because he turns a little white.

“I’m sure Alex can do without that cream cheese bagel from Sam’s Diner. And the twins don’t need diapers. I’ll be heading right back.” He goes to turn around and I rush after him, grip his shoulder, and spin him back round.

“Don’t you fuckin’ leave me,” I whisper-growl at him.

“Brax!” Gracie screams out my name again, this time even more desperately.

“It’s okay, darlin’, Squeal’s gonna help me lift this tree then we’ll get goin’ again.” I put on a brave smile as I glance over to her, then shove Squealer toward the huge trunk that's blocking us from getting to the hospital.

“You know we ain’t movin’ this tree, right?” Squealer tells me under his breath as he crouches down beside me.

“Wehaveto move it,” I tell him sternly because failure ain’t a fuckin’ option here. Both of us strain to try and shift it, but it won’t budge, not even an inch.

“Brax, I think I need to push!” Gracie screams at me and I stand back up and dust off my hands.
