Page 59 of Broken Soul

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“I hear ya.” I nod as I take in what he’s telling me.

“But I don’t wanna go home, not if it means I won’t see you anymore… I’d miss Dylan too of course, and the nice lady from the clubhouse who feeds me.” He looks up and grins cheekily.

“Well, you don’t have to worry about missin’ any of us, you're an honorary member of the club now.” I hold out my fist for him to pump and when he does, we both laugh.

“What’s going on out here?” Addison yawns as she steps outta her room. She’s wearing my AC/DC tee, which I’m taking as a good sign that she ain’t mad at me anymore.

“Skid says I can be a Dirty Soul.” Charlie rats me out, but Addison doesn’t seem to mind. In fact, she smiles at me as she leans over his shoulder and places a good morning kiss on his cheek.

“You good?” I reach out for her hand.

“Yeah, I’m good.” She smiles back at me as she takes it.

“Arewegood?” I check, giving it a gentle squeeze.

“Yeah.” She nods her head, though I can tell from her expression that she’s holding something back from me. “Come on, eat and get dressed, we need to get to the clubhouse. The girls are planning a little welcome home celebration for Grace and Brax’s baby.”

“You heard about that, huh?”

“I’m in the group chat.” She smiles, sliding her hand across my arm as she heads towards the cupboard to grab herself a bowl. “Not that I’m very good with that phone you’ve got me. It takes me ages to respond.”

I get up from the chair to join her, blocking her against the counter by placing my arms on each side of her waist.

“We need to talk. You stormed out on me before I got to finish what I wanted to say,” I whisper inside her ear.

“We do need to talk.” She turns around and slides her fingers through my beard, and if her adorable son wasn’t so cheerily eating his cereals behind me I’d have to take her right here, right now, on this kitchen fuckin’ counter.

“Tonight, when Charlie’s in bed, okay?” She places a kiss on my lips before she slips away from me and moves to the table to join him.

“Stop fuckin’ cryin’!” I yell at the pathetic bitch in front of me. She’s been sobbin’ all fuckin’ night. Even when I taped her mouth up it was impossible for me to get any sleep on the couch.

I rip the tape off her mouth harshly and drag her back into the kitchen. Looking at her now, I can kinda see why Paul cheated on her. Yeah, she’s got a pretty face and she’s got a hot enough body, but fuck is she needy. She was so desperate to be adored that she ate up every single one of my lies, and feasted on the endless compliments I gave her.

“Michael, just untie me and we can talk about this,” she cries after the back of my hand impacts with her jaw. She’s looking at me likeI’mthe one who fuckin’ cheated on her after twelve years of fuckin’ marriage. The same marriage that I’m fed up of fuckin’ hearing about.

“My name’s not Michael, you dumb fuckin’ bitch.” I shake my head at her and laugh, even seeing her half-naked body smothered in the blood of her dead husband ain’t reprising her appeal. Jenna is now surplus to requirement, which means we can have some real fun. No more playing Mr. Charming, no more keeping her sweet so I can lay low. Jenna is about to meet the real monster who she’s been living with.

I go to the kitchen drawer and take out the scissors, slipping their cool blades over her cheek and watching her tits rise and fall to the rhythm of her scared little breaths.

“You are gonna do as I say now, okay?” I slide my hand into the front of her black, lacy panties and grip her clit tightly between my thumb and finger.

“You look so much like her.” I use my other hand to snip at her hair, cutting it roughly to the length required while Jenna cries helplessly like some kinda damsel in distress.

“I get that you miss your wife. I can… I can be her if you need me to be,” she tells me weakly. Jenna’s clearly a True Crime channel fan, she thinks she’s got me all figured out. Poor, pathetic Jenna.

“You could never be her. Carly was special. Too fuckin’ special for him.”

I cut the scissors through the tape that I've had wrapped around her body to keep her in the chair, then grip my fingers around her throat and lift her onto her feet.

“What did you see in him, that you didn’t see in me? I was kind to you,” I tell her, imagining that sweet, innocent smile that I fell in love with all those years ago.

“I was gonna save you, Carly. I broke my own heart so I could keep ya safe.” I feel the tension growing in my body when I think of her and him together. The smiles that should have been mine. All those memories and the sound of her laughter that he stole from me.

“Did you ever think of me while he was inside you?” I whisper into her ear as I crush her windpipe. Her eyes are wild and terrified, just like I remember, and I slice the scissors through her panties to give myself better access to her ripe, warm pussy.

“You can think about him now if ya want, and how he wasn’t there to save you.” Her scared little moans make my cock strain harder, and as I release it, I keep hold of her throat and lift her leg over my hip so I can fill her.

“You thought you were too good for me. Skid’s perfect old lady. Go on, scream his name, darlin’. Scream it from the top of your lungs because he ain’t comin’,” I tell her.
