Page 6 of Broken Soul

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“You look like you got a lot on your mind.” She surprises me when she slides into the bench seat opposite, propping up her chin on her fist. “You could tell me about it, I ain’t exactly rushed off my feet.”

I take a look around and realize the diner’s now empty before I chuckle to myself.

If this was any other girl I’d be dragging her to the bathroom, hitching that tight, knee-length skirt up over her hips, and getting her acquainted with my cock right now. Which has me questioning why the fuck I ain’t.

“I got a decision to make.” I try to make it sound like it ain’t a big deal, when, in fact, it really is.

I came here for a fresh start, to get away from all the shit I left behind. The Bastards MC have everything I’m looking for, but you have to prove yourself before they let ya in. And what they’re asking of me is a lot.

“Sounds like an important one.” The girl smiles at me.

“You ever worry that this is all we’re gonna get outta life?” I ask her thoughtfully.

“I think everyone worries about that.” She lets out a tiny laugh.

“Well, what if you had an opportunity to be somethin’ better?”

“I say you should always take an opportunity, you don’t know when the next might come along.”

The poor, clueless girl has no idea what she’s helping me decide on here. I left Skid with Tommy in the motel we stayed at last night so I could meet with Clunk, the Bastards’ president. What he offered me came as a surprise, but at the same time gave me an ego boost. He needs someone intelligent, to go behind enemy lines, and he sees the fact that I have some baggage with me as a huge advantage.

The Dirty Souls are The Bastards’ biggest rivals, they run out of a sleepy town called Manitou Springs. They’ve really expanded these past few years and by all accounts, they got a pretty good family setup, up on the mountain they just moved there to. Jimmer Carson is a hero in that town.

The fact there are whores living on-site at the compound works for me too. These kinda places take care of their own, and it’ll be easy to sling one of the sluts a little extra to keep an eye on Tommy and make sure he’s fed. Yeah, it ain’t exactly what I came here for, but it’s something, and gaining the Bastards’ respect is my only way in.

“You know what, darlin’? I think you might be right.” I smile back at her as the chef hits the bell on the hatch.

“That’ll be your pancakes.” She grins as she gets up and makes her way over to grab them.

“There you go.” She places them in front of me.

“What's your name, darlin’?” I pick up the syrup and coat the thick, fluffy pancakes all over. Usually, I wouldn’t give a shit, but this one’s got me wanting to know everything about her.

“Carly.” She smiles back brightly, and the power of it hits me like a fuckin’ tidal wave.

“You back with us?” The nurse asks when I come back around. I say nothing as she finishes writing on her chart, before tucking it back into its slot on the bottom of the bed.

“You’ve been out for quite some time, a whole week in fact,” she informs me, grabbing me a glass of water and bringing the straw to my mouth.

I suck hard, appreciating the moisture on my lips and the relief from the burning in my throat.

“Where am I?” I croak back at her. I can’t remember jack shit past those Bastards' betrayal. Once I started getting beaten by ‘em I must have blacked out.

“You're in St Mary’s hospital. You had no ID when you came in. You got a name, sweetie?”

“Michael, Michael Fender.” Even in my groggy state, I know I can’t give her my real name. I’m on wanted lists in God knows how many states. She doesn’t seem to doubt me and as I watch her nod her head I realize that her likeness to Carly is striking.

“Well don’t worry, we’ll take good care of you, Michael. The police will want to talk to you about your injuries but—”

“No,” I cut her off, realizing that I sounded much too aggressive when she takes a step back from the bed.

“I must have come off my bike on a hairpin bend. I can vaguely remember someone came and dragged me into their car. They must have brought me here.” I hope what I tell her will be enough. I can’t have the cops showing up, not while I’m too weak to run.

“Well, you have whoever that was to thank for saving your life.” She pats my arm gently before she heads out the room.

Staying awake feels like a real challenge, and I figure it’s due to the drugs they’re pumping into me through the tube I got stuck in my hand. It makes me vulnerable, but right now there ain’t nothing I can do about it. Nothing but let myself drift back off again…

“You're a little late this morning.” Carly flicks her eyes up to the clock on the wall when I step through the diner door.
