Page 61 of Broken Soul

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“You know who would calm me down when I was a kid and got mad at you for never being around? Who always told me that I’d only ever get one dad and that you loved me in your own special way…?”

I can probably stab a fuckin’ guess.

“It was the woman who you raped and fuckin’ killed.” He curls his lip and narrows his eyes at me viciously.

“When the Souls found me and told me about it, I didn’t believe them. I had to watch the tape to believe it. I stole the copy Skid’s got in his cabin and I saw it for myself.”

“Ahhh, the tape, Mel told me all about it. I always thought I’d make a good porn star.” I manage a chuckle, despite being in agony, and Tommy reacts by slamming his hand on the dash in anger as his eyes fill with tears.

“I saw it, Dad, I saw how you got off on it and it made me fuckin’ sick.”

“So, I’ll ask ya again, son, why ya here? If I’m so fuckin’ evil—”

“I’m here for him,” he interrupts me, and my brow creases with confusion. “Skid don’t wanna kill ya. As much as he thinks he does, he don’t. You’re his brother, he grew up wantin’ to fuckin’ be you, just like I did.”

“That’s not true. Skid’s always been—”

“You let him down, you ruined his life. but he doesn’t want ya dead.”

“And how can you be so sure?” I question him, tilting my head and studying the weakness on his face.

“Because if he really wanted you dead, you would have been dead a long time ago. Skid’s smart, much smarter than you are. He’s holdin’ out because, deep down, he questions if he could do that to his own brother.”

“Then I figure you must get your weakness from him.” I shake my head and twist my body so I can open my door.

“It’s over, Dad. I came and saved you, I gave you your fuckin’ life because I don’t want Skid to have to make that fuckin’ choice. Even if he didn’t kill you today, I can guarantee there would have been a whole club full of Souls that would have lined up for the pleasure.

I never want to see ya again.

I never wanna hear your name.

Get as far away from here as ya can and never come back. You’ve caused your damage, you’ve hurt everyone who ever loved ya, now fuck off and be alone.”

I sit motionless and look at the man in front of me, my own flesh and blood, and yet a complete stranger.

“You're a good kid.” I don’t know where those words come from, they sure as hell don’t sound like mine.

“Get out the car, Dad, and if I ever see your face again. I’ll kill you myself.” He turns his head away from me and stares outta the windshield and as soon as I struggle myself outta the seat and slam the door, he skids off and leaves me.

I think about what he said as I stare at Jenna’s lifeless body. Up to now, I couldn’t remember how I got from those woods to the hospital, and the fact my son saved my life should probably strike some kinda chord. Instead, it makes me hate Skid even more. My own son, saving my life for him is as gracious as it is pathetic. It’s typical of Skid to have won him over and turned the boy fuckin’ soft. That’s Skid’s way. He gives to everyone else around him, but that fucker only ever sucked from me. Nobody ever admired me the way they did him, not even my own fuckin’ son it seems.

I leave Jenna in her kitchen, God knows how long it will take for her to be found. She was too boring to have any friends. I head to the garage and I take the helmet from the peg on the wall before straddling the road bike that Paul took a taxi ride here to claim back yesterday afternoon.

Guess it’s time to find out if my brother really does want me dead.

Rogue barges through the clubhouse doors like a freight train, heading right for me. She smiles at Ella sarcastically before dragging me over to the corner of the room out of everyone’s earshot.

“You didn’t tell him, did ya?” she hisses at me under her breath.

“He’s over there at the garage whistling to fuckin’ Zeppelin having no idea that he’s knocked you up.”

“Rogue, I couldn’t tell him.” I keep my voice low and check no one's listening. “We hadn’t spoken since I stormed out, and Charlie was there. We agreed to talk tonight and that’s when I’m gonna break the news,” I assure her, already feeling nervous about it. I haven’t even let it sink in myself yet. In fact, I’ve been trying all morning not to think about it. I have no idea how you're supposed to just drop a bomb on someone like that.

“They’re here!” Alex comes hurtling into the barroom and takes her position at the bar beside Squealer.

Skid’s nephew, Tommy, cuts the music and Maddy jumps down from the chair where she’s only just finished painting the pink heart on theWelcome Home Baby Marshallbanner. Charlie looks up at me with a really excited look on his face as I step up behind him and await the new arrival myself.

“Tell him,” Rogue snaps in my ear as she walks past me toward the exit, pausing to look inside the car seat that Brax proudly carries inside before she gets to the door.
