Page 87 of Broken Soul

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“Well, Jaz is gonna be pleased to hear that.” Storm smiles before he stubs out his blunt.

“Better get some shut-eye, we got work to do tomorrow.” He rolls onto his side and finds a comfortable spot before turning off his lamp while I shut off mine and lie back, staring into the darkness

I’ve gotta leave any nice thoughts about Addison and our future behind me tomorrow when I storm into that village and make those sick cunts pay. Tomorrow, I have to become a man without a conscience.

Abraham won’t be the first man I’ve killed. There have been plenty before him. But taking a life doesn’t come as easily to me as it does to Storm. Him, Jess, and Brax can kill a man with no remorse. But that shit stays with a man like me. I don’t mind that though, in fact, I’m grateful for it. It reminds me that I could never be like my brother. Chop takes lives for fun. Everything is a game to him and when I think about him doing the shit he always talked about and living it up in Mexico, it makes my blood itch under my skin.

I could go after him when all this is over. Bide my time, wait a few years for him to really get comfortable, and then chase him down. I could strike when he least expects it. For years, all I’ve thought about is causing him pain. For making him suffer for what he did to Carly.

It’s felt like a burden, a heavy, draining burden that I’ve been tired of carrying around with me.

“Take care of him,”I hear Mom’s voice in my head.

Tobias always thought I was her favorite, but he was wrong. That woman would forgive him for anything. She was always bailing him outta the shit. When his mastermind plans fell through and he got himself in deep water she’d porn whatever she could to get him out of it. I’ve never wanted to believe it, but I know deep down Mom knew he killed Luciana as well as I did. She never admitted it, but she knew. It’s another reason why I haven’t told her about Carly being dead. Mom’s a good woman, she would only blame herself, and think she failed at being a mother.

I think about Mom too while I stare into the dark. I wanna tell her she’s gonna be a grandma, I wanna send her pictures and video call her so she don’t miss out on my kid’s life the way she did with Tommy. But to do that I’ll have to admit I’ve been lying to her. I’ll have to reveal to her that one of her sons is an outlaw, and the other is a murdering psychopath.

I fuckin’ hate that bastard.

“Hurry up and finish that.” I encourage Charlie to finish up his breakfast.

“Do I have to go back to school?” he moans.

“Yeah, you have to go back to school.” I shove a wrapped-up P and J sandwich into a brown paper bag and throw an orange in there too. The smell of it makes me squirm a little, but I smile when I remember why.

Skid called last night to let me know everything was safe here. The village is being watched, Abraham is there and we can leave the compound. I’m choosing not to think about what Skid will have to do today to make sure it stays that way. I’m far too happy to let those brutal kinds of thoughts into my head. Instead, I focus on the hope that tonight I will be reunited with my sister.

“Do we have time to stop by the house and get my school bag?” Charlie admits defeat as he slides off his chair and carries his bowl to the sink.

“Yes, I’ve scheduled it all into our route.” I pass him his sneakers. “I need to speak with your teacher before school starts so we need to leave…” I look up to check the time. “…right now.”

Charlie’s school is on the other side of town, it’s gonna take us at least forty-five minutes to get there if we stop at the house.

“Okay, Mom.” He starts putting on his sneakers and I leave him to it, making my way out the door to the car Skid said I could use to get around. Soon as I get inside I know it isn’tSkid’scar. There’s a pair of sensible shoes tossed in the passenger side footwell. The air freshener that hangs from the rearview mirror may have faded from the sun and lost its scent but I can still see traces of the floral design that used to be on it.

This is Carly’s car.

The engine starts up right away, proving that Skid’s maintained it over the years, and taking the wheel in my hands I blow out a nervous breath.

“I sure hope you're watching over him today.” I look up through the windshield at the clouds. Surprised that talking to her doesn’t feel strange at all.

Charlie stops stalling and rushes out the house, breaking the silence when he hops in beside me.

“You ready?” I ask once he’s buckled up.

“Guess so.” He still looks unenthusiastic about school, but normality is what he needs. It’s what we all need.

Isit in the driver’s seat staring at the same spot I’ve been watching for hours. My eyes feel heavy but I can’t afford to close ‘em. Skid left the compound on his bike with Jessie, Troj, and the father of Mel’s kid driving a cage yesterday. He still hasn’t returned. Which makes this the perfect time for me to strike. To take something from him and make him suffer all over again. Rogue would have been my first choice if this new little scenario hadn’t come up. Me and Rogue have a history, and although she would certainly be more of a challenge than the girl I saw him with in town the other day, I’m going on what I think will cut Skid the deepest.

My fingers tap on the steering wheel impatiently while I wait for something to happen. I’ve seen a lot of the other old ladies come and go from the club gates, but not her. Skid’s pretty, little bitch is keeping herself safe. I’m about to admit defeat and get some sleep. I’ve been awake all night, waiting either for him to come home or for an opportunity to get to her, and just when I’m about to rest the seat back and kick up my feet, I see exactly what I was lookin’ for.

It’s a little haunting to see Carly's old car stop at the club gates before it pulls out onto the road. I inch closer to the windshield and squint my eyes to see, but I’m a little too far away to be sure if Skid’s new bitch is the one behind the wheel.

Figuring it must be, I slap my face a few times to wake myself up before I start the engine.

“Who the fuck does she think she is?” I mutter to myself as I head in pursuit.

Thankfully, the girl drives real slow, making it easy for me to catch up, but then hard to keep a safe distance between us. I watch her through her rear window, see her head bobbing along to whatever music is coming out of the stereo with the little boy who’s sitting beside her. It would be real easy to press down on the gas pedal and bump into the back of her. To put a little fear into her, just for starters. But I hold off. I’m curious as to where this woman is headin’ in Carly’s fuckin’ car.
