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I shake my head. “Her friend was the thief.”

He clasps his fingers together. “You’re like my brother, and I want whatever you want. Is there a plan for after?”

“After?” I repeat.

“The birth. Will she stay or leave?”

“I haven’t decided. She’s strong, so separating her from her child won’t be easy. She’d never stop looking. If I decide to let her go, she can only leave one way.” Maxim nods, understanding what I’m saying. “You’ll be the first to know once I’ve decided.”


Maria brings me some more clothes, two bags crammed with brand new things, including underwear. I’m so grateful, I almost cry. She begins to strip the bed, so I stop looking through the bags to help. She stops and says, “You can’t help me.”


“It’s my job. If Mr. Morozov was to come in and see—”

“I’m helping,” I say firmly, continuing. She smiles gratefully. “Are you married, Maria?” I ask.

“No. I never met the right man,” she says with a sad smile.

“Do you live far from here?”

“I live here,” she tells me. “Most of Mr. Morozov’s close employees live here.”

“The house is so quiet, I didn’t think there was anyone here but me and Ivan.”

“He has many properties. This is the largest.”

“Does he stay here the most?”

“No, actually. He hasn’t stayed here for a long time. When he met . . .” she trails off, wincing.

“It’s fine, Maria, I won’t say anything. I know about Lara.”

She relaxes. “They chose a house together. It was smaller, but she loved it.”

“He must miss her terribly,” I mutter, helping her to pull on a fresh sheet.

“The day she died, the light left his eyes. He’s never been one to show affection, but he would do anything for her. She was his life.”

“Had they been together long?”

“Not long enough,” she almost whispers. “A year.”

“Wow, that really isn’t very long. Were they married?”

“Yes.” Her happy smile returns. “A large wedding with many guests. After that day, he was a better man. Happier and less . . . angry.”

The door opens and she snatches a pillowcase from me before Ivan appears. He glances between us suspiciously. “Thank you for the clothes,” I say to him, distracting him.

He doesn’t answer. Instead, he goes over to Maria’s bucket, picking it up and going to the shelf near the shower. He clears off the expensive products, placing them into the bucket. “Maria, dispose of these.”

I frown as he begins to remove new products from a bag he’s holding. “Didn’t you like those?” I ask.

Maria gathers her things and leaves the room. Ivan turns on the shower and orders, “Get in.”

“I’ve already showered today.”
