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“Why didn’t it work?”

This is the longest conversation we’ve had. Maybe when he knows my past, he’ll realise I’m not worth the hassle. “I cheated on him.” Ivan props his head up and stares at me. I feel my cheeks burn with shame. “I’m not proud.”

“So, he kicked you out?”

“He killed himself,” I confess, and his eyes widen. “I found him.”


“The house was in his name. His family made sure I couldn’t get any of it. I don’t blame them.”

“Was it a full affair?” he asks.

“Does it matter?” He continues to stare, so I sigh. “Yes, with his friend. His best friend.”

Ivan begins to laugh, flopping back onto the bed. “Fuck, sladost, you’re lethal.”

“I deserve bad things to happen,” I mutter, feeling his eyes on me again. “Maybe that’s why I’m here.”

“No, sladost, Lara brought you here.” It’s my turn to stare, but he doesn’t elaborate, and I’ve learned not to pry too much when it comes to Lara. “How did he kill himself?”

“He hung himself from the attic rafters. I walked into the house one night after work and he was right there, at the top of the stairs. I don’t know if you’ve ever seen anyone hanging, but it’ll haunt me for the rest of my life.”

His smirk tells me he knows exactly what haunts me. “Sleep, Grace.”

I sit up, throwing my legs over the edge of the bed. “Goodnight,” I whisper, getting up and heading for my own bedroom.



Lev sits opposite me. “I spoke with Akin.”

“And?” Since my last conversation with Akin, I haven’t bothered to answer his calls. He has nothing I want to hear unless he has the names of Lara’s killers.

“We’ve exhausted all options,” he begins, and I shake my head. He sighs. “I know it’s not what you want to hear, boss, but it’s true.”

“She didn’t die of natural causes, did she?” I bark, and he shakes his head. “She didn’t kill herself?” He shakes again. “Therefore, her death was at the hands of somebody else.”

“And we’ve explored every avenue. So have the police. I think it’s time we accepted—”

“No,” I snap, standing abruptly. He shifts uncomfortably, his eyes falling to the gun lying on my desktop. “I will not accept Lara’s death was a robbery gone wrong, so don’t even bother to say the words. I want the person or people responsible for her death. Get them.”

“The money we’re spending on manpower alone—”

“Are you trying to tell me my dead wife isn’t worth the money?” I yell, and he shakes his head frantically.

“But as your advisor, you need to be aware that funds are draining fast.”

“I have plenty of money,” I spit.

“So, you’d like to continue?” he asks, his expression telling me he doesn’t agree.


Once he leaves, I have an overwhelming need to see Grace. As each day passes, I’m breaking more rules. When she left last night, I almost told her to stay. I put a call into Maxim and request a girl. It’s not something I’ve ever felt the need to do, but I’m angry and tense and so damn confused. I need to burn off some steam.

When he arrives an hour later, dragging a woman from the back of his car, I relax a little. This is me. This is the man I am.
