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“That you did, Mr. Jacobs. That you did.”



“Happy birthday to you.”A voice sings from the doorway of the bedroom. This man.

Ignoring it, I finish slipping on my dress and then sit at the vanity to fix my hair.

We’re going out tonight to celebrate my birthday and I am less than thrilled. CJ has picked up on my foul mood and hides in the safety of the doorway.

I wanted to stay in and spend the evening with family and a few friends. But CJ firmly believes that turning forty is a milestone and deserves to be made a big deal out of. So tonight we’re going to Gala for dinner, the restaurant my parents own. A place we could go anytime seeing as it’s the only semi-fancy restaurant in Coldwater.

“Are you going to pout all night angel?” CJ asks, keeping his distance. He can stay there all night for all I care. It’s my birthday and I don’t understand why he’s the one calling the shots.

“Maybe,” I say more to the mirror than him. “Is Mom here yet to get Ashley?”

“Do you even have to ask?” He laughs.

He’s right. She’s probably been parked in our driveway for hours, just waiting for the time to come get her grandbaby.

It took a couple of months after I announced my pregnancy and subsequent wedding for her to accept it. She did attend CJ and mine’s wedding but had a tight-lipped smile the whole way through.

But something happened around the five months mark. Either she accepted that this wasn’t going away or realized nobody cared but her. Whatever it was she did a complete three-sixty and brought my dad along with her. Now I can’t keep them away from Ashley. And Ashley loves spending time with Mimi and Papaw.

“Are you that mad at me, angel?” CJ asks slowly creeping into the room. He pauses behind me and smiles into the mirror.

How can I stay mad at that face? That’s the face I fell in love with four years ago. Besides, if he wants to do something special for me, I shouldn’t pout.

I push back my chair and rise to my feet then wrap my arms around his neck. “Depends on what you got me.” I smirk.

With a seductive smile, CJ answers my question by cupping my bottom cheeks and pulling me into his solid body. I can feel his “present” pressing against my core.

“Oh yeah? Why go to dinner then? You can give me that right here.” I purr in his ear.

“I could,” he whispers back then nuzzles my neck. “But then you wouldn’t get the rest.” The rest? Now I’m intrigued.

“Do tell.”

“I rented our cabin for the weekend. You know how hard it is to get for our anniversary.”

Hard isn’t the word for it. Damn right impossible is more like it. We got married in January which is in our busy season.

I’m still the Customer Relations Manager at the resort. I decided that was as high as my ladder will go. The position affords me time with my family, and I like it.

“You just want to stay in a cabin again.” I tease him.

After discovering I was pregnant, CJ moved in with me, with the understanding we would eventually relocate to the cabin CJ was having built for us. When complications arose and I was deemed a high-risk pregnancy, we decided to get a house in town.

“I do. You’re at your freakiest in the mountains. Must be the air.”

My mouth drops in shock and before I can form a word, CJ slides his tongue inside, laying a kiss on me that makes my panties useless.

When he pulls away, I follow but he shakes. “Hurry up and get dressed so I can get you naked again. We’re getting dinner to go.”

Happy birthday to me.
