Page 15 of Single Bells

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“No,” Joel said, more frustrated than ever. “No, I want you to kiss me, you idiot.”

Nick’s smile dropped and he gaped at Joel for a moment, then reached out, wrapped a hand around the back of Joel’s neck, and drew him in for the sweetest, softest kiss.

Joel shivered as hot lips brushed against his own, and he grabbed Nick’s waist in his gloved hands for balance. When Nick parted his lips Joel took that as an invitation and even as the cold wind pressed against his back, he sought out the hot flickers of Nick’s tongue against his own.

“Please,” Nick murmured, rubbing his warm nose against Joel’s cold one. “I am going to freeze to death out here. Come in to the warm.”

“Hmm? Okay.”

Nick stepped backwards into the hallway, dragging Joel with him, and backed him up against the closed front door. From this close, Joel could see the flecks of gold in Nick’s dark brown eyes.

He really was exceptionally handsome.

Joel startled at a sharpmeowand Nick’s cat clawing at his leg, clearly trying to get at the catnip in the reindeer. He laughed and dug it out of his pocket, the bell around the reindeer’s neck jingling happily as he tossed it for Bastet to catch.

“Single bells?” Nick asked he watched her run away with her treat, the reindeer’s bell still ringing.

“Not any more.”

Nick smiled, laughter dancing in his eyes, and kissed Joel again.
