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Emilio seemed to sense my unease.

I nodded, trying to shake off my insecurities. "Alright. Just... be careful, okay?"

He offered me a reassuring smile. "Always. I'll be back as soon as I can," he assured.

With that, he left, the apartment feeling emptier without his presence. My mind wandered, grappling with the uncertainty of what the future held for us.

As the door clicked shut, enveloping the room in a different kind of silence, I found myself grappling with the conflicting emotions swirling within. Emilio's departure left a void, a hollowness that I hadn't anticipated. It was like a part of the apartment's warmth had gone with him.

I tried to convince myself that everything was fine. After all, I wasn't going to stay here forever. The reality of my temporary sojourn in this life nudged at me, reminding me that, eventually, I'd have to face the world I knew.

But even in this realization, there was a tiny flutter deep inside, a whisper of longing that I had pushed away before but was now resurfacing.

I rubbed my face, attempting to will away these thoughts. Yes, I had feelings for him, but confessing them wouldn't do either of us any good. Emilio had a life filled with complexities and dangers that I couldn't truly comprehend.

Would I be able to stand by him and navigate the storms that would come our way, especially as the son of the leader of the Fiore mafia family?

The somber reality hit me harder as I remembered he hadn't left that life; he was still deeply involved in the mafia. Could he even truly leave it all behind? The weight of that realization pressed on me, a heaviness that sank into my heart.

I reassured myself that it was better to leave, to distance myself. The quicker I stepped out of this environment, the sooner I could attempt to untangle my emotions. Distance would, hopefully, help me dispel these feelings for Emilio. Or at least, that's what I told myself.

Yet, even as I convinced myself of this course, I couldn't deny the bittersweet ache that lingered.

The room, now devoid of his presence, seemed to echo with the fragments of our shared moments, reminding me of the depth of my attachment. Emilio had unknowingly become a significant part of my life, and disentangling from that was proving to be more challenging than I had envisioned.

Longing for an escape from the emotional rollercoaster that Emilio and the future seemed to be, I opted for a dose of sleep. It felt like the only way to hit pause on the thoughts that were spinning in my head.

Sinking into the couch, its familiar embrace enveloping me, I succumbed to the room's warmth and the softness of the cushions. I shut my eyes, letting the tiredness seep in.

The world, with all its complications, could wait.

In the peaceful confines of the room, I slid into a nap, hoping my dreams would steer clear of Emilio and the tangled fate that awaited us. But even in this transitional state, his image persisted, refusing to fade.

Flashes of moments we shared, his laughter, the touch of his hand—I could feel it all vividly. It was like a soundtrack that refused to be turned off, a bittersweet reminder of our time together.

As slumber gradually took over, I clung to the shreds of reassurance I had tried to give myself. I knew the road ahead was going to be a rocky one, but at this moment, I just needed to let go.

I awoke abruptly, the sound of the door being swung open roughly reverberating through the room. My eyes shot open, alert and confused, trying to make sense of why Emilio would return with such clamor. However, when the figure stepped in, it wasn't Emilio at all.

The stranger stood tall, dressed sharply, and had a sleek appearance with black hair and glasses. We locked eyes, both of us taken aback by the unexpected encounter.

"Who are you?" we asked almost simultaneously, our cautious expressions mirroring each other.

The room seemed to shrink, the tension building to a palpable level as we both stood there, locked in a silent standoff, suspicion clouding both our faces. The weight of uncertainty hung heavily in the air, like a storm on the verge of breaking.

"I should be asking you that. You're the one barging into Emilio's house," I responded, my voice carrying a blend of surprise and assertiveness.

It was evident he was not one to be easily intimidated.

"And you should be answering me, considering you're already here," the stranger shot back, his tone unwavering and resolute.

Our gazes locked, a battle of wills in progress. I broke the silence, introducing myself in an attempt to defuse the tension.

"I'm Griselda," I stated, a touch of wariness still evident in my eyes.

"You're Griselda?" he exclaimed, a flicker of recognition and intrigue passing over his face.

I raised an eyebrow, my confusion mounting at how this man seemed to be acquainted with my name.
