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AsIsatinmy dimly lit office, the weight of Crino's words still pressed heavily on my mind. The revelation that the Mancini family had been following orders from a more powerful, unseen force unsettled me to my core.

I had always been prepared for the vicious battles within our world, but to realize that there might be a puppeteer pulling the strings from the shadows was a different kind of fear.

Enzo, my ever-loyal second-in-command, entered the room, his face reflecting the same concern that gnawed at me.

"Emilio," he began, "this changes everything. We've been fighting for so long, but now it seems like we've only been pawns."

I sighed, running a hand through my hair, frustration and helplessness coiling within me. "I know, Enzo. Crino's revelation has shaken me to my core. But dwelling on it won't help us. We need a new plan. We need more information."

He nodded, leaning against the desk. "So, what do you intend to do? How do we proceed from here?"

"It's time to take control of the situation."

Enzo studied my face, recognizing the determination that fueled my words. "And how do you plan to do that?"

"I'll confront my father," I declared, "and tell him Crino's words. It's a matter of filial piety, a last act of respect before I break these suffocating bonds."

Enzo's eyes bore into mine, understanding the gravity of my decision. "Are you sure about this, Emilio? It's a dangerous path you're choosing."

"I've never been more certain," I affirmed, "I’ve tried doing this slowly, edging my way to freedom, but this is where I take a stand."

"You're not going back to Griselda yet?" Enzo inquired, his voice tinged with concern.

I hesitated, torn between the urgency of addressing the newfound revelation and the longing to be with Griselda. "I will, Enzo, but I need to speak to my father first."

Enzo nodded, understanding the conflict within me. "Do you want me to accompany you, Emilio?"

I appreciated his offer but shook my head. "There's no need, Enzo. I must do this alone."

He furrowed his brows, worry evident in his eyes. "Are you sure, Emilio? It's a risky move."

"I have to face him," I affirmed, my determination unwavering. "I need to know the truth, and I need him to know that I'm breaking free from this cycle."

Enzo regarded me for a moment, then relented. "Alright, I know you will tread carefully. A lot is riding on this for all of us."

"I understand," I assured him, grateful for his unwavering support. "Before I go, I'll freshen up."

“And Emilio?” I turned back, looking into Enzo’s serious, gray eyes. “Take the new car; it might come in handy.” He threw me the key, and I smiled. He always had my back.

I left Enzo and made my way to what I referred to as “my quarters” at the lab. The bathroom mirror reflected a face marked by battles, both seen and unseen. Weariness etched lines into my features, but my resolve remained unbroken. I splashed water on my face, letting it clear my mind.

As I looked at my reflection, memories of the past surged forward, intertwining with the present. My father's stern teachings, the weight of expectations placed upon us as sons, the struggles of getting Royalty rentals off the ground and building a new future—each fragment of my life seemed to converge in this moment.

The fresh suit I had changed into felt restricting as I made my way through the Fiore family house. Its grandeur bore witness to the centuries-old legacy, a reminder of the expectations that loomed over the males in each generation.

Uncle Luigi, surprised by my unannounced appearance, questioned me as I entered. "Emilio, is something the matter?"

"I need to speak to Father," I replied curtly, unwilling to delve into details.

He studied my face, likely detecting my grave determination. "Very well. He's in his study."

I proceeded through the familiar corridors, past portraits of ancestors who had carried the same weight of responsibility. Arriving at my father's study, I took a deep breath, steeling myself for the confrontation ahead.

He glanced up from his desk, surprise momentarily flickering across his slightly wrinkled features before he masked it.

"Emilio," he greeted, composed as always. "To what do I owe this unexpected visit?"

"I've come to discuss a matter of great importance," I replied, stepping forward but not sitting down.
